[command:quit] action = command_quit(user, command, parameters) description = Leave Katarsis. help = This will save your account and disconnect your client connection. [command:halt] action = command_halt(user, command, parameters) description = Shut down the world. help = This will save all active accounts, disconnect all clients and stop the entire program. [command:help] action = command_help(user, command, parameters) description = List commands or get help on one. help = This will list all comand words available to you along with a brief description or, alternatively, give you detailed information on one command. [command:time] action = command_time(user, command, parameters) description = Show the current world time in elapsed increments. help = This will show the current world time in elapsed increments. [command:show] action = command_show(user, command, parameters) description = Show program data. help = For now, this is used to show things like "universe" and "avatars". [command:reload] action = command_reload(user, command, parameters) description = Reload code modules and data. help = This will reload all python code modules, reload configuration files and re-read data files. [command:say] action = command_say(user, command, parameters) description = State something out loud. help = This allows you to speak to other characters within the same room. If you end your sentence with specific punctuation, the aparent speech action (ask, exclaim, et cetera) will be adapted accordingly. It will also add punctuation and capitalize your message where needed.