[__control__] default_files = { "account": "account", "actor": "actor", "command": "command", "internal": "internal", "location": "location", "menu": "menu", "other": "other", "prop": "prop" } include_files = [ "archetype", "katarsis/index" ] private_files = account read_only = yes [internal:language] capitalize_words = [ "i", "i'd", "i'll", "i'm" ] default_punctuation = . punctuation_ask = ? punctuation_begin = [ ",", "-", ":", ";" ] punctuation_exclaim = ! punctuation_muse = ... punctuation_say = . [internal:limits] #default_admins = admin max_avatars = 7 password_tries = 3 [internal:logging] file = mudpy.log max_log_lines = 1000 stdout = yes #syslog = mudpy [internal:network] host = port = 6669 [internal:process] #daemon = yes pidfile = mudpy.pid [internal:time] definition_d = 24h definition_h = 60mi definition_mi = 10r definition_mo = 28d definition_r = 6 definition_w = 7d definition_y = 12mo frequency_log = 6000 frequency_save = 600 increment = 0.1 [internal:directions] down = { "vector": (0,0,-1), "exit": "downward", "enter": "above" } east = { "vector": (1,0,0), "exit": "to the east", "enter": "the west" } north = { "vector": (0,1,0), "exit": "to the north", "enter": "the south" } south = { "vector": (0,-1,0), "exit": "to the south", "enter": "the north" } up = { "vector": (0,0,1), "exit": "upward", "enter": "below" } west = { "vector": (-1,0,0), "exit": "to the west", "enter": "the east" }