X-Git-Url: https://mudpy.org/gitweb?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=menu;h=bc443cda7d4064e7939589c59bbf7dd6c00b76cd;hb=5016c3731daf450cc0f3defce0c3e66854270356;hp=e88c2fb2319ae2ea93f39fca1d0c5c7a1178c2f8;hpb=fc67241160a8fa4810e80e4700e91bf5ec0b574b;p=mudpy.git diff --git a/menu b/menu index e88c2fb..bc443cd 100644 --- a/menu +++ b/menu @@ -1,74 +1,119 @@ -[menu:choose_gender] -choice_f = female -prompt = Pick a gender for your new avatar: -description = First, your new avatar needs a gender. In the world of Katarsis, all avatars are either male or female. -choice_m = male -branch = choose_name -action = user.avatar.set("gender", user.menu_choices[choice]) +[control] +read_only = yes -[menu:entering_new_password] -error_differs = The two passwords did not match. Try again... -error_weak = That is a weak password... Try something at least 7 characters long with a combination of mixed-case letters, numbers and punctuation/spaces. -prompt = Enter a new password for "$(account)": -echo = off +[menu:activate_avatar] +action = user.avatar = universe.contents[user.account.getlist("avatars")[int(choice)-1]] +action_a = pass +branch = active +branch_a = main_utility +choice_a = abort selection +create = dict([(str(x+1),y) for x,y in enumerate(user.list_avatar_names())]) +default = 1 +description = This is the list of avatars available for you to awaken. +prompt = Whom would you like to awaken? -[menu:verifying_new_password] -prompt = Enter the same new password again: -echo = off +[menu:active] +prompt = > [menu:checking_new_account_name] +action_d = user.account.destroy() +action_g = user.account.destroy() +branch_d = disconnecting +branch_g = entering_account_name +branch_n = entering_new_password choice_d = disconnect now choice_g = go back -prompt = Enter your choice: -description = There is no existing account for "$(account)" (note that an account name is not the same as a character name). Would you like to create a new account by this name, go back and enter a different name or disconnect now? -default = d choice_n = new account +default = d +description = There is no existing account for "$(account)" (note that an account name is not the same as a character name). Would you like to create a new account by this name, go back and enter a different name or disconnect now? +prompt = Enter your choice: -[menu:disconnecting_duplicates] -prompt = $(red)Closing your previous connection...$(nrm)$(eol) +[menu:checking_password] +echo = off +error_incorrect = Incorrect password, please try again... +prompt = Password: + +[menu:choose_gender] +action = user.avatar.set("gender", user.menu_choices[choice]) +branch = choose_name +choice_f = female +choice_m = male +description = First, your new avatar needs a gender. In the world of Katarsis, all avatars are either male or female. +prompt = Pick a gender for your new avatar: [menu:choose_name] -prompt = Choose a name for $(tpop): -description = Your new avatar needs a name. This will be the name with which $(tpsp) grew up, and will initially be the name by which $(tpsp) is known in the world of Katarsis. There are ways for your new avatar to make a name for $(tpop)self over time, so $(tpsp) won't be stuck going by such an unremarkable name forever. -create_1 = muffmisc.random_name() -create_3 = muffmisc.random_name() -create_2 = muffmisc.random_name() -create_5 = muffmisc.random_name() -create_4 = muffmisc.random_name() -create_7 = muffmisc.random_name() -create_6 = muffmisc.random_name() -branch = active action = user.avatar.set("name", user.menu_choices[choice]) +branch = main_utility +branch_g = choose_name +choice_g = generate more names +create_1 = random_name() +create_2 = random_name() +create_3 = random_name() +create_4 = random_name() +create_5 = random_name() +create_6 = random_name() +create_7 = random_name() +default = g +description = Your new avatar needs a name. This will be the name with which $(tpsp) grew up, and will initially be the name by which $(tpsp) is known in the world of Katarsis. There are ways for your new avatar to make a name for $(tpop)self over time, so $(tpsp) won't be stuck going by such an unremarkable name forever. +prompt = Choose a name for $(tpop): -[menu:entering_account_name] -prompt = Identify yourself: -description = $(red) :;$(bld)%%$(nrm)$(red). $(bld)%%S%%$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)%%$(eol)$(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)S@@@@@ G@S$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)G@@$(nrm)$(red)t .$(bld)G@$(nrm)$(red)t$(eol)$(bld)%%@@@@@@ $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@@@@G @@@$(nrm)$(red). .t$(bld)SG@%% $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)S$(nrm)$(red)t;.$(eol);$(bld)@@@@@S G@@@G @@G $(nrm)$(red): :$(bld)@@@@$(nrm)$(red): t$(bld)@ $(nrm)$(red):;$(eol).$(bld)@@@@@%% $(nrm)$(red):$(bld)@@@G @@@@@$(nrm)$(red). :$(bld)@@@@ S@@$(nrm)$(red): . .$(bld)%%G@@$(nrm)$(red); .$(eol) $(bld)@@@@@$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)G@@G $(nrm)$(red):;; .;$(bld)S@@S%%%%$(nrm)$(red): . .$(bld)%%SS $(nrm)$(red).$(bld)@@@%%$(nrm)$(red).$(bld)G@@S$(nrm)$(red): ;$(bld)@S $(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)@@@@ $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@G$(eol) G@@@@$(nrm)$(red)::$(bld)@@S $(nrm)$(red):$(bld)@$(nrm)$(red)t.$(bld)@@G $(nrm)$(red).$(bld)@G $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@S$(nrm)$(red);$(bld)G@G @@@S%%$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)S@@@S $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@@@S S@@@G$(eol) %%@@@@ S@S G@@S$(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)@G $(nrm)$(red):$(bld)@$(nrm)$(red)t $(bld)@@@$(nrm)$(red);:$(bld)@G @@@ $(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)GGG%%$(nrm)$(red);. :$(bld)@@@$(nrm)$(red): ;$(bld)@GS$(nrm)$(red)t:$(eol) ;$(bld)@@@@$(nrm)$(red).$(bld)@S $(nrm)$(red). .$(bld)@@$(nrm)$(red)t $(bld)GG $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@$(nrm)$(red). ;$(bld)@G$(nrm)$(red). $(bld)SG @@%% @@@$(nrm)$(red)t .$(bld)@@@ @@@S$(eol) $(nrm)$(red).$(bld)@@@G%%@S@G SG$(nrm)$(red). .$(bld)G $(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)@ GS @$(nrm)$(red):: $(bld)@@$(nrm)$(red): ;$(bld)%%S@SSS @@%% $(nrm)$(red):t$(bld)%%GGSG$(eol) @@@GS$(nrm)$(red):$(bld)@@@$(nrm)$(red). .$(bld)S $(nrm)$(red):t$(bld)S@@%% tt $(nrm)$(red):t .;$(bld)%%G@@@%% G@ %%@@@S @@$(nrm)$(red). $(bld)%%@@@G$(eol) G@@S $(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)@@%% $(nrm)$(red)::t$(bld)%%SSGGG@%% %%$(nrm)$(red). .::;;;tt$(bld)%%%%$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)GS $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)S%%$(nrm)$(red);: $(bld)@G $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)S$(nrm)$(red)t;.$(eol) $(bld)%%@@$(nrm)$(red): $(bld)S@@ S S$(nrm)$(red): $(bld)G$(nrm)$(red);$(eol) ;$(bld)@@$(nrm)$(red). $(bld)G@$(nrm)$(red); t $(bld)t %%$(eol) GS $(nrm)$(red).$(bld)S%% $(nrm)$(red). . :$(eol) $(bld)%%$(nrm)$(red)t :$(bld)t$(eol) $(nrm)$(red);: :. $(bld)$(grn)Aeons ago, in a time long since forgotten, this land was fair$(eol) $(nrm)$(red).. ; $(bld)$(grn)and peaceful, governed by harmony and untouched by despair...$(eol)$(eol) $(red)But then the evil came.$(eol)$(eol) $(blk)[ http://katarsis.mudpy.org/ ]$(nrm) -error_bad_name = Your account name needs to contain only digits (0-9) and letters (a-z). +[menu:delete_account] +action_y = user.destroy() +branch_n = main_utility +branch_y = disconnecting +choice_n = no, don't delete my account +choice_y = yes, permanently delete my account +default = n +description = By deleting your account, all your avatars will also be permanently deleted. +prompt = Are you certain you wish to permanently delete your account? + +[menu:delete_avatar] +action = user.delete_avatar(user.account.getlist("avatars")[int(choice)-1]) +action_a = pass +branch = main_utility +branch_a = main_utility +choice_a = abort selection +create = dict([(str(x+1),y) for x,y in enumerate(user.list_avatar_names())]) +default = a +description = This is the list of avatars available for you to awaken. +prompt = Whom would you like to delete? [menu:disconnecting] description = $(red)Disconnecting...$(nrm) -[menu:active] -prompt = > +[menu:disconnecting_duplicates] +prompt = $(red)Closing your previous connection...$(nrm)$(eol) + +[menu:entering_account_name] +description = $(red) :;$(bld)%$(nrm)$(red). $(bld)%S%$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)%$(eol)$(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)S@@@@@ G@S$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)G@@$(nrm)$(red)t .$(bld)G@$(nrm)$(red)t$(eol)$(bld)%@@@@@@ $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@@@@G @@@$(nrm)$(red). .t$(bld)SG@% $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)S$(nrm)$(red)t;.$(eol);$(bld)@@@@@S G@@@G @@G $(nrm)$(red): :$(bld)@@@@$(nrm)$(red): t$(bld)@ $(nrm)$(red):;$(eol).$(bld)@@@@@% $(nrm)$(red):$(bld)@@@G @@@@@$(nrm)$(red). :$(bld)@@@@ S@@$(nrm)$(red): . .$(bld)%G@@$(nrm)$(red); .$(eol) $(bld)@@@@@$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)G@@G $(nrm)$(red):;; .;$(bld)S@@S%%$(nrm)$(red): . .$(bld)%SS $(nrm)$(red).$(bld)@@@%$(nrm)$(red).$(bld)G@@S$(nrm)$(red): ;$(bld)@S $(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)@@@@ $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@G$(eol) G@@@@$(nrm)$(red)::$(bld)@@S $(nrm)$(red):$(bld)@$(nrm)$(red)t.$(bld)@@G $(nrm)$(red).$(bld)@G $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@S$(nrm)$(red);$(bld)G@G @@@S%$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)S@@@S $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@@@S S@@@G$(eol) %@@@@ S@S G@@S$(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)@G $(nrm)$(red):$(bld)@$(nrm)$(red)t $(bld)@@@$(nrm)$(red);:$(bld)@G @@@ $(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)GGG%$(nrm)$(red);. :$(bld)@@@$(nrm)$(red): ;$(bld)@GS$(nrm)$(red)t:$(eol) ;$(bld)@@@@$(nrm)$(red).$(bld)@S $(nrm)$(red). .$(bld)@@$(nrm)$(red)t $(bld)GG $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)@$(nrm)$(red). ;$(bld)@G$(nrm)$(red). $(bld)SG @@% @@@$(nrm)$(red)t .$(bld)@@@ @@@S$(eol) $(nrm)$(red).$(bld)@@@G%@S@G SG$(nrm)$(red). .$(bld)G $(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)@ GS @$(nrm)$(red):: $(bld)@@$(nrm)$(red): ;$(bld)%S@SSS @@% $(nrm)$(red):t$(bld)%GGSG$(eol) @@@GS$(nrm)$(red):$(bld)@@@$(nrm)$(red). .$(bld)S $(nrm)$(red):t$(bld)S@@% tt $(nrm)$(red):t .;$(bld)%G@@@% G@ %@@@S @@$(nrm)$(red). $(bld)%@@@G$(eol) G@@S $(nrm)$(red)t$(bld)@@% $(nrm)$(red)::t$(bld)%SSGGG@% %$(nrm)$(red). .::;;;tt$(bld)%%$(nrm)$(red); $(bld)GS $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)S%$(nrm)$(red);: $(bld)@G $(nrm)$(red);$(bld)S$(nrm)$(red)t;.$(eol) $(bld)%@@$(nrm)$(red): $(bld)S@@ S S$(nrm)$(red): $(bld)G$(nrm)$(red);$(eol) ;$(bld)@@$(nrm)$(red). $(bld)G@$(nrm)$(red); t $(bld)t %$(eol) GS $(nrm)$(red).$(bld)S% $(nrm)$(red). . :$(eol) $(bld)%$(nrm)$(red)t :$(bld)t$(eol) $(nrm)$(red);: :. $(bld)$(grn)Aeons ago, in a time long since forgotten, this land was fair$(eol) $(nrm)$(red).. ; $(bld)$(grn)and peaceful, governed by harmony and untouched by despair...$(eol)$(eol) $(red)But then the evil came.$(eol)$(eol) $(blk)[ http://katarsis.mudpy.org/ ]$(nrm) +error_bad_name = Your account name needs to contain only digits (0-9) and letters (a-z). +prompt = Identify yourself: + +[menu:entering_new_password] +echo = off +error_weak = That is a weak password... Try something at least 7 characters long with a combination of mixed-case letters, numbers and punctuation/spaces. +prompt = Enter a new password for "$(account)": +error_differs = The two passwords did not match. Try again... [menu:main_utility] -choice_d = delete an unwanted avatar -branch_d = delete_avatar action_c = user.new_avatar() -description = From here you can activate, create and delete avatars. An avatar is your persona in the world of Katarsis. +branch_a = activate_avatar branch_c = choose_gender +branch_d = delete_avatar +branch_l = disconnecting +branch_p = delete_account +choice_a = awaken an existing avatar choice_c = create a new avatar +choice_d = delete an unwanted avatar choice_l = leave katarsis for now -branch_l = disconnecting -prompt = What would you like to do? -error_no_avatars = You don't have any avatars yet. An avatar is your persona in the world of Katarsis. It is recommended that you create one now. choice_p = permanently remove your account -branch_p = delete_account -branch_a = active -choice_a = activate an existing avatar +demand_a = user.account.getlist("avatars") +demand_c = len(user.account.getlist("avatars")) < universe.categories["internal"]["limits"].getint("max_avatars") +demand_d = user.account.getlist("avatars") +description = From here you can awaken, create and delete avatars. An avatar is your persona in the world of Katarsis. You can also leave or permanently delete your account. +prompt = What would you like to do? -[menu:checking_password] -prompt = Password: -error_incorrect = Incorrect password, please try again... +[menu:verifying_new_password] echo = off +prompt = Enter the same new password again: