description = run the functional selftest with optimized configuration
basepython = python3
-usedevelop = True
# TODO(fungi) Switch this to "error" once the following are solved
# py311... Cython.Compiler.Main raises FutureWarning "Cython directive
PYTHONWARNINGS = error, ignore::FutureWarning:Cython.Compiler.Main, ignore::DeprecationWarning:distutils.command.install, ignore:The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives:DeprecationWarning, ignore:Creating a LegacyVersion has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release:DeprecationWarning, ignore:SelectableGroups dict interface is deprecated. Use select.:DeprecationWarning:flake8.plugins.manager, ignore:setup.py install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools., ignore:easy_install command is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools., ignore:use poll_interval instead of poll_intervall:DeprecationWarning
commands = mudpy_selftest mudpy/tests/fixtures/test_daemon.yaml
+deps = {toxinidir}
description = check for potential security risks in source code
deps = bandit
commands = bandit -r mudpy -x mudpy/tests {posargs}
-usedevelop = False
description = find common spelling mistakes in code and documentation
deps = codespell
commands = codespell {posargs}
-usedevelop = False
description = start an interactive demo with the sample config
rm -fr {toxinidir}/dist
python -m build
twine check --strict {toxinidir}/dist/*
-usedevelop = False
# Build an sdist into a temporary location so we'll have AUTHORS and ChangeLog
-# files to include. Keep usedevelop on so that the project dependencies will be
-# installed in the venv.
+# files to include.
description = generate hypertext documentation
allowlist_externals = rm
deps =
+ {toxinidir}
commands =
commands = flake8 {posargs}
-usedevelop = False
description = run the selftest with the included sample config
# least some which are generated by the application, making sure it creates
# them with the same style we enforce for those carried in the repository.
description = test data files for correct syntax and formatting
-deps = yamllint
+deps =
+ {toxinidir}
+ yamllint
commands =
mudpy_selftest mudpy/tests/fixtures/test_daemon.yaml
yamllint --strict {posargs} .