# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u"""Miscellaneous functions for the mudpy engine."""
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org>. Permission
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org>. Permission
# to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is granted under
# terms provided in the LICENSE file distributed with this software.
class Element:
- u"""An element of the universe."""
- def __init__(self, key, universe, filename=None):
- u"""Set up a new element."""
- import data, os.path
- # keep track of our key name
- self.key = key
- # keep track of what universe it's loading into
- self.universe = universe
- # clone attributes if this is replacing another element
- if self.key in self.universe.contents:
- old_element = self.universe.contents[self.key]
- for attribute in vars(old_element).keys():
- exec(u"self." + attribute + u" = old_element." + attribute)
- if self.owner: self.owner.avatar = self
- # i guess this is a new element then
- else:
- # not owned by a user by default (used for avatars)
- self.owner = None
- # no contents in here by default
- self.contents = {}
- # parse out appropriate category and subkey names, add to list
- if self.key.find(u":") > 0:
- self.category, self.subkey = self.key.split(u":", 1)
- else:
- self.category = u"other"
- self.subkey = self.key
- if not self.category in self.universe.categories:
- self.category = u"other"
- self.subkey = self.key
- # get an appropriate filename for the origin
- if not filename:
- filename = self.universe.default_origins[self.category]
- if not os.path.isabs(filename):
- filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
- # add the file if it doesn't exist yet
- if not filename in self.universe.files:
- data.DataFile(filename, self.universe)
- # record or reset a pointer to the origin file
- self.origin = self.universe.files[filename]
- # add a data section to the origin if necessary
- if not self.origin.data.has_section(self.key):
- self.origin.data.add_section(self.key)
- # add or replace this element in the universe
- self.universe.contents[self.key] = self
- self.universe.categories[self.category][self.subkey] = self
- def reload(self):
- u"""Create a new element and replace this one."""
- new_element = Element(self.key, self.universe, self.origin.filename)
- del(self)
- def destroy(self):
- u"""Remove an element from the universe and destroy it."""
- self.origin.data.remove_section(self.key)
- del self.universe.categories[self.category][self.subkey]
- del self.universe.contents[self.key]
- del self
- def facets(self):
- u"""Return a list of non-inherited facets for this element."""
- if self.key in self.origin.data.sections():
- return self.origin.data.options(self.key)
- else: return []
- def has_facet(self, facet):
- u"""Return whether the non-inherited facet exists."""
- return facet in self.facets()
- def remove_facet(self, facet):
- u"""Remove a facet from the element."""
- if self.has_facet(facet):
- self.origin.data.remove_option(self.key, facet)
- self.origin.modified = True
- def ancestry(self):
- u"""Return a list of the element's inheritance lineage."""
- if self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
- ancestry = self.getlist(u"inherit")
- for parent in ancestry[:]:
- ancestors = self.universe.contents[parent].ancestry()
- for ancestor in ancestors:
- if ancestor not in ancestry: ancestry.append(ancestor)
- return ancestry
- else: return []
- def get(self, facet, default=None):
- u"""Retrieve values."""
- if default is None: default = u""
- if self.origin.data.has_option(self.key, facet):
- raw_data = self.origin.data.get(self.key, facet)
- if raw_data.startswith(u"u\"") or raw_data.startswith(u"u'"):
- raw_data = raw_data[1:]
- raw_data.strip(u"\"'")
- if type(raw_data) == str: return unicode(raw_data, "utf-8")
- else: return raw_data
- elif self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
- for ancestor in self.ancestry():
- if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
- return self.universe.contents[ancestor].get(facet)
- else: return default
- def getboolean(self, facet, default=None):
- u"""Retrieve values as boolean type."""
- if default is None: default=False
- if self.origin.data.has_option(self.key, facet):
- return self.origin.data.getboolean(self.key, facet)
- elif self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
- for ancestor in self.ancestry():
- if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
- return self.universe.contents[ancestor].getboolean(facet)
- else: return default
- def getint(self, facet, default=None):
- u"""Return values as int/long type."""
- if default is None: default = 0
- if self.origin.data.has_option(self.key, facet):
- return self.origin.data.getint(self.key, facet)
- elif self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
- for ancestor in self.ancestry():
- if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
- return self.universe.contents[ancestor].getint(facet)
- else: return default
- def getfloat(self, facet, default=None):
- u"""Return values as float type."""
- if default is None: default = 0.0
- if self.origin.data.has_option(self.key, facet):
- return self.origin.data.getfloat(self.key, facet)
- elif self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
- for ancestor in self.ancestry():
- if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
- return self.universe.contents[ancestor].getfloat(facet)
- else: return default
- def getlist(self, facet, default=None):
- u"""Return values as list type."""
- import data
- if default is None: default = []
- value = self.get(facet)
- if value: return data.makelist(value)
- else: return default
- def getdict(self, facet, default=None):
- u"""Return values as dict type."""
- import data
- if default is None: default = {}
- value = self.get(facet)
- if value: return data.makedict(value)
- else: return default
- def set(self, facet, value):
- u"""Set values."""
- if not self.has_facet(facet) or not self.get(facet) == value:
- if type(value) is long: value = unicode(value)
- elif not type(value) is unicode: value = repr(value)
- self.origin.data.set(self.key, facet, value)
- self.origin.modified = True
- def append(self, facet, value):
- u"""Append value tp a list."""
- if type(value) is long: value = unicode(value)
- elif not type(value) is unicode: value = repr(value)
- newlist = self.getlist(facet)
- newlist.append(value)
- self.set(facet, newlist)
- def new_event(self, action, when=None):
- u"""Create, attach and enqueue an event element."""
- # if when isn't specified, that means now
- if not when: when = self.universe.get_time()
- # events are elements themselves
- event = Element(u"event:" + self.key + u":" + counter)
- def send(
- self,
- message,
- eol=u"$(eol)",
- raw=False,
- flush=False,
- add_prompt=True,
- just_prompt=False,
- add_terminator=False,
- prepend_padding=True
- ):
- u"""Convenience method to pass messages to an owner."""
- if self.owner:
- self.owner.send(
- message,
- eol,
- raw,
- flush,
- add_prompt,
- just_prompt,
- add_terminator,
- prepend_padding
- )
- def can_run(self, command):
- u"""Check if the user can run this command object."""
- # has to be in the commands category
- if command not in self.universe.categories[u"command"].values():
- result = False
- # avatars of administrators can run any command
- elif self.owner and self.owner.account.getboolean(u"administrator"):
- result = True
- # everyone can run non-administrative commands
- elif not command.getboolean(u"administrative"):
- result = True
- # otherwise the command cannot be run by this actor
- else:
- result = False
- # pass back the result
- return result
- def update_location(self):
- u"""Make sure the location's contents contain this element."""
- location = self.get(u"location")
- if location in self.universe.contents:
- self.universe.contents[location].contents[self.key] = self
- def clean_contents(self):
- u"""Make sure the element's contents aren't bogus."""
- for element in self.contents.values():
- if element.get(u"location") != self.key:
- del self.contents[element.key]
- def go_to(self, location):
- u"""Relocate the element to a specific location."""
- current = self.get(u"location")
- if current and self.key in self.universe.contents[current].contents:
- del universe.contents[current].contents[self.key]
- if location in self.universe.contents: self.set(u"location", location)
- self.universe.contents[location].contents[self.key] = self
- self.look_at(location)
- def go_home(self):
- u"""Relocate the element to its default location."""
- self.go_to(self.get(u"default_location"))
- self.echo_to_location(
- u"You suddenly realize that " + self.get(u"name") + u" is here."
- )
- def move_direction(self, direction):
- u"""Relocate the element in a specified direction."""
- self.echo_to_location(
- self.get(
- u"name"
- ) + u" exits " + self.universe.categories[
- u"internal"
- ][
- u"directions"
- ].getdict(
- direction
- )[
- u"exit"
- ] + u"."
- )
- self.send(
- u"You exit " + self.universe.categories[
- u"internal"
- ][
- u"directions"
- ].getdict(
- direction
- )[
- u"exit"
- ] + u".",
- add_prompt=False
- )
- self.go_to(
- self.universe.contents[self.get(u"location")].link_neighbor(direction)
- )
- self.echo_to_location(
- self.get(
- u"name"
- ) + u" arrives from " + self.universe.categories[
- u"internal"
- ][
- u"directions"
- ].getdict(
- direction
- )[
- u"enter"
- ] + u"."
- )
- def look_at(self, key):
- u"""Show an element to another element."""
- if self.owner:
- element = self.universe.contents[key]
- message = u""
- name = element.get(u"name")
- if name: message += u"$(cyn)" + name + u"$(nrm)$(eol)"
- description = element.get(u"description")
- if description: message += description + u"$(eol)"
- portal_list = element.portals().keys()
- if portal_list:
- portal_list.sort()
- message += u"$(cyn)[ Exits: " + u", ".join(
- portal_list
- ) + u" ]$(nrm)$(eol)"
- for element in self.universe.contents[
- self.get(u"location")
- ].contents.values():
- if element.getboolean(u"is_actor") and element is not self:
- message += u"$(yel)" + element.get(
- u"name"
- ) + u" is here.$(nrm)$(eol)"
- elif element is not self:
- message += u"$(grn)" + element.get(
- u"impression"
- ) + u"$(nrm)$(eol)"
- self.send(message)
- def portals(self):
- u"""Map the portal directions for a room to neighbors."""
- import re
- portals = {}
- if re.match(u"""^location:-?\d+,-?\d+,-?\d+$""", self.key):
- coordinates = [(int(x)) for x in self.key.split(u":")[1].split(u",")]
- directions = self.universe.categories[u"internal"][u"directions"]
- offsets = dict(
- [
- (
- x, directions.getdict(x)[u"vector"]
- ) for x in directions.facets()
- ]
- )
- for portal in self.getlist(u"gridlinks"):
- adjacent = map(lambda c,o: c+o, coordinates, offsets[portal])
- neighbor = u"location:" + u",".join(
- [(unicode(x)) for x in adjacent]
- )
- if neighbor in self.universe.contents: portals[portal] = neighbor
- for facet in self.facets():
- if facet.startswith(u"link_"):
- neighbor = self.get(facet)
- if neighbor in self.universe.contents:
- portal = facet.split(u"_")[1]
- portals[portal] = neighbor
- return portals
- def link_neighbor(self, direction):
- u"""Return the element linked in a given direction."""
- portals = self.portals()
- if direction in portals: return portals[direction]
- def echo_to_location(self, message):
- u"""Show a message to other elements in the current location."""
- for element in self.universe.contents[
- self.get(u"location")
- ].contents.values():
- if element is not self: element.send(message)
-class Universe:
- u"""The universe."""
- def __init__(self, filename=u"", load=False):
- u"""Initialize the universe."""
- import os, os.path
- self.categories = {}
- self.contents = {}
- self.default_origins = {}
- self.loglines = []
- self.pending_events_long = {}
- self.pending_events_short = {}
- self.private_files = []
- self.reload_flag = False
- self.startdir = os.getcwd()
- self.terminate_flag = False
- self.userlist = []
- if not filename:
- possible_filenames = [
- u".mudpyrc",
- u".mudpy/mudpyrc",
- u".mudpy/mudpy.conf",
- u"mudpy.conf",
- u"etc/mudpy.conf",
- u"/usr/local/mudpy/mudpy.conf",
- u"/usr/local/mudpy/etc/mudpy.conf",
- u"/etc/mudpy/mudpy.conf",
- u"/etc/mudpy.conf"
- ]
- for filename in possible_filenames:
- if os.access(filename, os.R_OK): break
- if not os.path.isabs(filename):
- filename = os.path.join(self.startdir, filename)
- self.filename = filename
- if load: self.load()
- def load(self):
- u"""Load universe data from persistent storage."""
- import data
- # the files dict must exist and filename needs to be read-only
- if not hasattr(
- self, u"files"
- ) or not (
- self.filename in self.files and self.files[
- self.filename
- ].is_writeable()
- ):
- # clear out all read-only files
- if hasattr(self, u"files"):
- for data_filename in self.files.keys():
- if not self.files[data_filename].is_writeable():
- del self.files[data_filename]
- # start loading from the initial file
- data.DataFile(self.filename, self)
- # make a list of inactive avatars
- inactive_avatars = []
- for account in self.categories[u"account"].values():
- inactive_avatars += [
- (self.contents[x]) for x in account.getlist(u"avatars")
- ]
- for user in self.userlist:
- if user.avatar in inactive_avatars:
- inactive_avatars.remove(user.avatar)
- # go through all elements to clear out inactive avatar locations
- for element in self.contents.values():
- location = element.get(u"location")
- if element in inactive_avatars and location:
- if location in self.contents and element.key in self.contents[
- location
- ].contents:
- del self.contents[location].contents[element.key]
- element.set(u"default_location", location)
- element.remove_facet(u"location")
- # another pass to straighten out all the element contents
- for element in self.contents.values():
- element.update_location()
- element.clean_contents()
- def new(self):
- u"""Create a new, empty Universe (the Big Bang)."""
- new_universe = Universe()
- for attribute in vars(self).keys():
- exec(u"new_universe." + attribute + u" = self." + attribute)
- new_universe.reload_flag = False
- del self
- return new_universe
- def save(self):
- u"""Save the universe to persistent storage."""
- for key in self.files: self.files[key].save()
- def initialize_server_socket(self):
- u"""Create and open the listening socket."""
- import socket
- # need to know the local address and port number for the listener
- host = self.categories[u"internal"][u"network"].get(u"host")
- port = self.categories[u"internal"][u"network"].getint(u"port")
- # if no host was specified, bind to all local addresses (preferring ipv6)
- if not host:
- if socket.has_ipv6: host = u"::"
- else: host = u""
- # figure out if this is ipv4 or v6
- family = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port)[0][0]
- if family is socket.AF_INET6 and not socket.has_ipv6:
- log(u"No support for IPv6 address %s (use IPv4 instead)." % host)
- # create a new stream-type socket object
- self.listening_socket = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- # set the socket options to allow existing open ones to be
- # reused (fixes a bug where the server can't bind for a minute
- # when restarting on linux systems)
- self.listening_socket.setsockopt(
- socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1
- )
- # bind the socket to to our desired server ipa and port
- self.listening_socket.bind((host, port))
- # disable blocking so we can proceed whether or not we can
- # send/receive
- self.listening_socket.setblocking(0)
- # start listening on the socket
- self.listening_socket.listen(1)
- # note that we're now ready for user connections
- log(
- u"Listening for Telnet connections on: " + host + u":" + unicode(port)
- )
- def get_time(self):
- u"""Convenience method to get the elapsed time counter."""
- return self.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(u"elapsed")
+ u"""An element of the universe."""
+ def __init__(self, key, universe, filename=None):
+ u"""Set up a new element."""
+ import data
+ import os.path
+ # keep track of our key name
+ self.key = key
+ # keep track of what universe it's loading into
+ self.universe = universe
+ # clone attributes if this is replacing another element
+ if self.key in self.universe.contents:
+ old_element = self.universe.contents[self.key]
+ for attribute in vars(old_element).keys():
+ exec(u"self." + attribute + u" = old_element." + attribute)
+ if self.owner:
+ self.owner.avatar = self
+ # i guess this is a new element then
+ else:
+ # not owned by a user by default (used for avatars)
+ self.owner = None
+ # no contents in here by default
+ self.contents = {}
+ # parse out appropriate category and subkey names, add to list
+ if self.key.find(u":") > 0:
+ self.category, self.subkey = self.key.split(u":", 1)
+ else:
+ self.category = u"other"
+ self.subkey = self.key
+ if not self.category in self.universe.categories:
+ self.category = u"other"
+ self.subkey = self.key
+ # get an appropriate filename for the origin
+ if not filename:
+ filename = self.universe.default_origins[self.category]
+ if not os.path.isabs(filename):
+ filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
+ # add the file if it doesn't exist yet
+ if not filename in self.universe.files:
+ data.DataFile(filename, self.universe)
+ # record or reset a pointer to the origin file
+ self.origin = self.universe.files[filename]
+ # add a data section to the origin if necessary
+ if not self.origin.data.has_section(self.key):
+ self.origin.data.add_section(self.key)
+ # add or replace this element in the universe
+ self.universe.contents[self.key] = self
+ self.universe.categories[self.category][self.subkey] = self
+ def reload(self):
+ u"""Create a new element and replace this one."""
+ new_element = Element(self.key, self.universe, self.origin.filename)
+ del(self)
+ def destroy(self):
+ u"""Remove an element from the universe and destroy it."""
+ self.origin.data.remove_section(self.key)
+ del self.universe.categories[self.category][self.subkey]
+ del self.universe.contents[self.key]
+ del self
+ def facets(self):
+ u"""Return a list of non-inherited facets for this element."""
+ if self.key in self.origin.data.sections():
+ return self.origin.data.options(self.key)
+ else:
+ return []
+ def has_facet(self, facet):
+ u"""Return whether the non-inherited facet exists."""
+ return facet in self.facets()
+ def remove_facet(self, facet):
+ u"""Remove a facet from the element."""
+ if self.has_facet(facet):
+ self.origin.data.remove_option(self.key, facet)
+ self.origin.modified = True
+ def ancestry(self):
+ u"""Return a list of the element's inheritance lineage."""
+ if self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
+ ancestry = self.getlist(u"inherit")
+ for parent in ancestry[:]:
+ ancestors = self.universe.contents[parent].ancestry()
+ for ancestor in ancestors:
+ if ancestor not in ancestry:
+ ancestry.append(ancestor)
+ return ancestry
+ else:
+ return []
+ def get(self, facet, default=None):
+ u"""Retrieve values."""
+ if default is None:
+ default = u""
+ if self.origin.data.has_option(self.key, facet):
+ raw_data = self.origin.data.get(self.key, facet)
+ if raw_data.startswith(u"u\"") or raw_data.startswith(u"u'"):
+ raw_data = raw_data[1:]
+ raw_data.strip(u"\"'")
+ if type(raw_data) == str:
+ return unicode(raw_data, "utf-8")
+ else:
+ return raw_data
+ elif self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
+ for ancestor in self.ancestry():
+ if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
+ return self.universe.contents[ancestor].get(facet)
+ else:
+ return default
+ def getboolean(self, facet, default=None):
+ u"""Retrieve values as boolean type."""
+ if default is None:
+ default = False
+ if self.origin.data.has_option(self.key, facet):
+ return self.origin.data.getboolean(self.key, facet)
+ elif self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
+ for ancestor in self.ancestry():
+ if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
+ return self.universe.contents[ancestor].getboolean(facet)
+ else:
+ return default
+ def getint(self, facet, default=None):
+ u"""Return values as int/long type."""
+ if default is None:
+ default = 0
+ if self.origin.data.has_option(self.key, facet):
+ return self.origin.data.getint(self.key, facet)
+ elif self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
+ for ancestor in self.ancestry():
+ if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
+ return self.universe.contents[ancestor].getint(facet)
+ else:
+ return default
+ def getfloat(self, facet, default=None):
+ u"""Return values as float type."""
+ if default is None:
+ default = 0.0
+ if self.origin.data.has_option(self.key, facet):
+ return self.origin.data.getfloat(self.key, facet)
+ elif self.has_facet(u"inherit"):
+ for ancestor in self.ancestry():
+ if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
+ return self.universe.contents[ancestor].getfloat(facet)
+ else:
+ return default
+ def getlist(self, facet, default=None):
+ u"""Return values as list type."""
+ import data
+ if default is None:
+ default = []
+ value = self.get(facet)
+ if value:
+ return data.makelist(value)
+ else:
+ return default
+ def getdict(self, facet, default=None):
+ u"""Return values as dict type."""
+ import data
+ if default is None:
+ default = {}
+ value = self.get(facet)
+ if value:
+ return data.makedict(value)
+ else:
+ return default
+ def set(self, facet, value):
+ u"""Set values."""
+ if not self.has_facet(facet) or not self.get(facet) == value:
+ if type(value) is long:
+ value = unicode(value)
+ elif not type(value) is unicode:
+ value = repr(value)
+ self.origin.data.set(self.key, facet, value)
+ self.origin.modified = True
+ def append(self, facet, value):
+ u"""Append value tp a list."""
+ if type(value) is long:
+ value = unicode(value)
+ elif not type(value) is unicode:
+ value = repr(value)
+ newlist = self.getlist(facet)
+ newlist.append(value)
+ self.set(facet, newlist)
+ def new_event(self, action, when=None):
+ u"""Create, attach and enqueue an event element."""
+ # if when isn't specified, that means now
+ if not when:
+ when = self.universe.get_time()
+ # events are elements themselves
+ event = Element(u"event:" + self.key + u":" + counter)
+ def send(
+ self,
+ message,
+ eol=u"$(eol)",
+ raw=False,
+ flush=False,
+ add_prompt=True,
+ just_prompt=False,
+ add_terminator=False,
+ prepend_padding=True
+ ):
+ u"""Convenience method to pass messages to an owner."""
+ if self.owner:
+ self.owner.send(
+ message,
+ eol,
+ raw,
+ flush,
+ add_prompt,
+ just_prompt,
+ add_terminator,
+ prepend_padding
+ )
-class User:
- u"""This is a connected user."""
- def __init__(self):
- u"""Default values for the in-memory user variables."""
- import telnet
- self.account = None
- self.address = u""
- self.authenticated = False
- self.avatar = None
- self.columns = 79
- self.connection = None
- self.error = u""
- self.input_queue = []
- self.last_address = u""
- self.last_input = universe.get_time()
- self.menu_choices = {}
- self.menu_seen = False
- self.negotiation_pause = 0
- self.output_queue = []
- self.partial_input = ""
- self.password_tries = 0
- self.state = u"initial"
- self.telopts = {}
- def quit(self):
- u"""Log, close the connection and remove."""
- if self.account: name = self.account.get(u"name")
- else: name = u""
- if name: message = u"User " + name
- else: message = u"An unnamed user"
- message += u" logged out."
- log(message, 2)
- self.deactivate_avatar()
- self.connection.close()
- self.remove()
- def check_idle(self):
- u"""Warn or disconnect idle users as appropriate."""
- idletime = universe.get_time() - self.last_input
- linkdead_dict = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"time"].getdict(
- u"linkdead"
- )
- if self.state in linkdead_dict: linkdead_state = self.state
- else: linkdead_state = u"default"
- if idletime > linkdead_dict[linkdead_state]:
- self.send(
- u"$(eol)$(red)You've done nothing for far too long... goodbye!" \
- + u"$(nrm)$(eol)",
- flush=True,
+ def can_run(self, command):
+ u"""Check if the user can run this command object."""
+ # has to be in the commands category
+ if command not in self.universe.categories[u"command"].values():
+ result = False
+ # avatars of administrators can run any command
+ elif self.owner and self.owner.account.getboolean(u"administrator"):
+ result = True
+ # everyone can run non-administrative commands
+ elif not command.getboolean(u"administrative"):
+ result = True
+ # otherwise the command cannot be run by this actor
+ else:
+ result = False
+ # pass back the result
+ return result
+ def update_location(self):
+ u"""Make sure the location's contents contain this element."""
+ location = self.get(u"location")
+ if location in self.universe.contents:
+ self.universe.contents[location].contents[self.key] = self
+ def clean_contents(self):
+ u"""Make sure the element's contents aren't bogus."""
+ for element in self.contents.values():
+ if element.get(u"location") != self.key:
+ del self.contents[element.key]
+ def go_to(self, location):
+ u"""Relocate the element to a specific location."""
+ current = self.get(u"location")
+ if current and self.key in self.universe.contents[current].contents:
+ del universe.contents[current].contents[self.key]
+ if location in self.universe.contents:
+ self.set(u"location", location)
+ self.universe.contents[location].contents[self.key] = self
+ self.look_at(location)
+ def go_home(self):
+ u"""Relocate the element to its default location."""
+ self.go_to(self.get(u"default_location"))
+ self.echo_to_location(
+ u"You suddenly realize that " + self.get(u"name") + u" is here."
+ )
+ def move_direction(self, direction):
+ u"""Relocate the element in a specified direction."""
+ self.echo_to_location(
+ self.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) + u" exits " + self.universe.categories[
+ u"internal"
+ ][
+ u"directions"
+ ].getdict(
+ direction
+ )[
+ u"exit"
+ ] + u"."
+ )
+ self.send(
+ u"You exit " + self.universe.categories[
+ u"internal"
+ ][
+ u"directions"
+ ].getdict(
+ direction
+ )[
+ u"exit"
+ ] + u".",
- )
- logline = u"Disconnecting "
- if self.account and self.account.get(u"name"):
- logline += self.account.get(u"name")
- else:
- logline += u"an unknown user"
- logline += u" after idling too long in the " + self.state + u" state."
- log(logline, 2)
- self.state = u"disconnecting"
- self.menu_seen = False
- idle_dict = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"time"].getdict(u"idle")
- if self.state in idle_dict: idle_state = self.state
- else: idle_state = u"default"
- if idletime == idle_dict[idle_state]:
- self.send(
- u"$(eol)$(red)If you continue to be unproductive, " \
- + u"you'll be shown the door...$(nrm)$(eol)"
- )
- def reload(self):
- u"""Save, load a new user and relocate the connection."""
- # get out of the list
- self.remove()
- # create a new user object
- new_user = User()
- # set everything equivalent
- for attribute in vars(self).keys():
- exec(u"new_user." + attribute + u" = self." + attribute)
- # the avatar needs a new owner
- if new_user.avatar: new_user.avatar.owner = new_user
- # add it to the list
- universe.userlist.append(new_user)
- # get rid of the old user object
- del(self)
- def replace_old_connections(self):
- u"""Disconnect active users with the same name."""
- # the default return value
- return_value = False
- # iterate over each user in the list
- for old_user in universe.userlist:
- # the name is the same but it's not us
- if hasattr(
- old_user, u"account"
- ) and old_user.account and old_user.account.get(
- u"name"
- ) == self.account.get(
- u"name"
- ) and old_user is not self:
- # make a note of it
- log(
- u"User " + self.account.get(
- u"name"
- ) + u" reconnected--closing old connection to " \
- + old_user.address + u".",
- 2
- )
- old_user.send(
- u"$(eol)$(red)New connection from " + self.address \
- + u". Terminating old connection...$(nrm)$(eol)", \
- flush=True,
- add_prompt=False
+ )
+ self.go_to(
+ self.universe.contents[
+ self.get(u"location")].link_neighbor(direction)
+ )
+ self.echo_to_location(
+ self.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) + u" arrives from " + self.universe.categories[
+ u"internal"
+ ][
+ u"directions"
+ ].getdict(
+ direction
+ )[
+ u"enter"
+ ] + u"."
+ )
+ def look_at(self, key):
+ u"""Show an element to another element."""
+ if self.owner:
+ element = self.universe.contents[key]
+ message = u""
+ name = element.get(u"name")
+ if name:
+ message += u"$(cyn)" + name + u"$(nrm)$(eol)"
+ description = element.get(u"description")
+ if description:
+ message += description + u"$(eol)"
+ portal_list = element.portals().keys()
+ if portal_list:
+ portal_list.sort()
+ message += u"$(cyn)[ Exits: " + u", ".join(
+ portal_list
+ ) + u" ]$(nrm)$(eol)"
+ for element in self.universe.contents[
+ self.get(u"location")
+ ].contents.values():
+ if element.getboolean(u"is_actor") and element is not self:
+ message += u"$(yel)" + element.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) + u" is here.$(nrm)$(eol)"
+ elif element is not self:
+ message += u"$(grn)" + element.get(
+ u"impression"
+ ) + u"$(nrm)$(eol)"
+ self.send(message)
+ def portals(self):
+ u"""Map the portal directions for a room to neighbors."""
+ import re
+ portals = {}
+ if re.match(u"""^location:-?\d+,-?\d+,-?\d+$""", self.key):
+ coordinates = [(int(x))
+ for x in self.key.split(u":")[1].split(u",")]
+ directions = self.universe.categories[u"internal"][u"directions"]
+ offsets = dict(
+ [
+ (
+ x, directions.getdict(x)[u"vector"]
+ ) for x in directions.facets()
+ ]
+ for portal in self.getlist(u"gridlinks"):
+ adjacent = map(lambda c, o: c + o,
+ coordinates, offsets[portal])
+ neighbor = u"location:" + u",".join(
+ [(unicode(x)) for x in adjacent]
+ )
+ if neighbor in self.universe.contents:
+ portals[portal] = neighbor
+ for facet in self.facets():
+ if facet.startswith(u"link_"):
+ neighbor = self.get(facet)
+ if neighbor in self.universe.contents:
+ portal = facet.split(u"_")[1]
+ portals[portal] = neighbor
+ return portals
+ def link_neighbor(self, direction):
+ u"""Return the element linked in a given direction."""
+ portals = self.portals()
+ if direction in portals:
+ return portals[direction]
+ def echo_to_location(self, message):
+ u"""Show a message to other elements in the current location."""
+ for element in self.universe.contents[
+ self.get(u"location")
+ ].contents.values():
+ if element is not self:
+ element.send(message)
- # close the old connection
- old_user.connection.close()
- # replace the old connection with this one
- old_user.send(
- u"$(eol)$(red)Taking over old connection from " \
- + old_user.address + u".$(nrm)"
- )
- old_user.connection = self.connection
- old_user.last_address = old_user.address
- old_user.address = self.address
- # take this one out of the list and delete
- self.remove()
- del(self)
- return_value = True
- break
+class Universe:
- # true if an old connection was replaced, false if not
- return return_value
- def authenticate(self):
- u"""Flag the user as authenticated and disconnect duplicates."""
- if not self.state is u"authenticated":
- log(u"User " + self.account.get(u"name") + u" logged in.", 2)
- self.authenticated = True
- if self.account.subkey in universe.categories[
- u"internal"
- ][
- u"limits"
- ].getlist(
- u"default_admins"
- ):
- self.account.set(u"administrator", u"True")
- def show_menu(self):
- u"""Send the user their current menu."""
- if not self.menu_seen:
- self.menu_choices = get_menu_choices(self)
- self.send(
- get_menu(self.state, self.error, self.menu_choices),
- u"",
- add_terminator=True
- )
- self.menu_seen = True
- self.error = False
- self.adjust_echoing()
- def adjust_echoing(self):
- u"""Adjust echoing to match state menu requirements."""
- import telnet
- if telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_ECHO, telnet.US):
- if menu_echo_on(self.state):
- telnet.disable(self, telnet.TELOPT_ECHO, telnet.US)
- elif not menu_echo_on(self.state):
- telnet.enable(self, telnet.TELOPT_ECHO, telnet.US)
- def remove(self):
- u"""Remove a user from the list of connected users."""
- universe.userlist.remove(self)
- def send(
- self,
- output,
- eol=u"$(eol)",
- raw=False,
- flush=False,
- add_prompt=True,
- just_prompt=False,
- add_terminator=False,
- prepend_padding=True
- ):
- u"""Send arbitrary text to a connected user."""
- import telnet
- # unless raw mode is on, clean it up all nice and pretty
- if not raw:
- # strip extra $(eol) off if present
- while output.startswith(u"$(eol)"): output = output[6:]
- while output.endswith(u"$(eol)"): output = output[:-6]
- extra_lines = output.find(u"$(eol)$(eol)$(eol)")
- while extra_lines > -1:
- output = output[:extra_lines] + output[extra_lines+6:]
- extra_lines = output.find(u"$(eol)$(eol)$(eol)")
+ u"""The universe."""
+ def __init__(self, filename=u"", load=False):
+ u"""Initialize the universe."""
+ import os
+ import os.path
+ self.categories = {}
+ self.contents = {}
+ self.default_origins = {}
+ self.loglines = []
+ self.pending_events_long = {}
+ self.pending_events_short = {}
+ self.private_files = []
+ self.reload_flag = False
+ self.startdir = os.getcwd()
+ self.terminate_flag = False
+ self.userlist = []
+ if not filename:
+ possible_filenames = [
+ u".mudpyrc",
+ u".mudpy/mudpyrc",
+ u".mudpy/mudpy.conf",
+ u"mudpy.conf",
+ u"etc/mudpy.conf",
+ u"/usr/local/mudpy/mudpy.conf",
+ u"/usr/local/mudpy/etc/mudpy.conf",
+ u"/etc/mudpy/mudpy.conf",
+ u"/etc/mudpy.conf"
+ ]
+ for filename in possible_filenames:
+ if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
+ break
+ if not os.path.isabs(filename):
+ filename = os.path.join(self.startdir, filename)
+ self.filename = filename
+ if load:
+ self.load()
+ def load(self):
+ u"""Load universe data from persistent storage."""
+ import data
+ # the files dict must exist and filename needs to be read-only
+ if not hasattr(
+ self, u"files"
+ ) or not (
+ self.filename in self.files and self.files[
+ self.filename
+ ].is_writeable()
+ ):
+ # clear out all read-only files
+ if hasattr(self, u"files"):
+ for data_filename in self.files.keys():
+ if not self.files[data_filename].is_writeable():
+ del self.files[data_filename]
+ # start loading from the initial file
+ data.DataFile(self.filename, self)
+ # make a list of inactive avatars
+ inactive_avatars = []
+ for account in self.categories[u"account"].values():
+ inactive_avatars += [
+ (self.contents[x]) for x in account.getlist(u"avatars")
+ ]
+ for user in self.userlist:
+ if user.avatar in inactive_avatars:
+ inactive_avatars.remove(user.avatar)
+ # go through all elements to clear out inactive avatar locations
+ for element in self.contents.values():
+ location = element.get(u"location")
+ if element in inactive_avatars and location:
+ if location in self.contents and element.key in self.contents[
+ location
+ ].contents:
+ del self.contents[location].contents[element.key]
+ element.set(u"default_location", location)
+ element.remove_facet(u"location")
+ # another pass to straighten out all the element contents
+ for element in self.contents.values():
+ element.update_location()
+ element.clean_contents()
+ def new(self):
+ u"""Create a new, empty Universe (the Big Bang)."""
+ new_universe = Universe()
+ for attribute in vars(self).keys():
+ exec(u"new_universe." + attribute + u" = self." + attribute)
+ new_universe.reload_flag = False
+ del self
+ return new_universe
+ def save(self):
+ u"""Save the universe to persistent storage."""
+ for key in self.files:
+ self.files[key].save()
+ def initialize_server_socket(self):
+ u"""Create and open the listening socket."""
+ import socket
+ # need to know the local address and port number for the listener
+ host = self.categories[u"internal"][u"network"].get(u"host")
+ port = self.categories[u"internal"][u"network"].getint(u"port")
+ # if no host was specified, bind to all local addresses (preferring
+ # ipv6)
+ if not host:
+ if socket.has_ipv6:
+ host = u"::"
+ else:
+ host = u""
+ # figure out if this is ipv4 or v6
+ family = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port)[0][0]
+ if family is socket.AF_INET6 and not socket.has_ipv6:
+ log(u"No support for IPv6 address %s (use IPv4 instead)." % host)
+ # create a new stream-type socket object
+ self.listening_socket = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ # set the socket options to allow existing open ones to be
+ # reused (fixes a bug where the server can't bind for a minute
+ # when restarting on linux systems)
+ self.listening_socket.setsockopt(
+ socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1
+ )
+ # bind the socket to to our desired server ipa and port
+ self.listening_socket.bind((host, port))
+ # disable blocking so we can proceed whether or not we can
+ # send/receive
+ self.listening_socket.setblocking(0)
+ # start listening on the socket
+ self.listening_socket.listen(1)
+ # note that we're now ready for user connections
+ log(
+ u"Listening for Telnet connections on: " +
+ host + u":" + unicode(port)
+ )
+ def get_time(self):
+ u"""Convenience method to get the elapsed time counter."""
+ return self.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(u"elapsed")
- # start with a newline, append the message, then end
- # with the optional eol string passed to this function
- # and the ansi escape to return to normal text
- if not just_prompt and prepend_padding:
- if not self.output_queue \
- or not self.output_queue[-1].endswith("\r\n"):
- output = u"$(eol)" + output
- elif not self.output_queue[-1].endswith(
- "\r\n\x1b[0m\r\n"
- ) and not self.output_queue[-1].endswith(
- "\r\n\r\n"
- ):
- output = u"$(eol)" + output
- output += eol + unichr(27) + u"[0m"
- # tack on a prompt if active
- if self.state == u"active":
- if not just_prompt: output += u"$(eol)"
- if add_prompt:
- output += u"> "
- mode = self.avatar.get(u"mode")
- if mode: output += u"(" + mode + u") "
- # find and replace macros in the output
- output = replace_macros(self, output)
- # wrap the text at the client's width (min 40, 0 disables)
- if self.columns:
- if self.columns < 40: wrap = 40
- else: wrap = self.columns
- output = wrap_ansi_text(output, wrap)
- # if supported by the client, encode it utf-8
- if telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_BINARY, telnet.US):
- encoded_output = output.encode(u"utf-8")
- # otherwise just send ascii
- else: encoded_output = output.encode(u"ascii", u"replace")
- # end with a terminator if requested
- if add_prompt or add_terminator:
- if telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_EOR, telnet.US):
- encoded_output += telnet.telnet_proto(telnet.IAC, telnet.EOR)
- elif not telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_SGA, telnet.US):
- encoded_output += telnet.telnet_proto(telnet.IAC, telnet.GA)
- # and tack it onto the queue
- self.output_queue.append(encoded_output)
- # if this is urgent, flush all pending output
- if flush: self.flush()
- # just dump raw bytes as requested
- else:
- self.output_queue.append(output)
- self.flush()
- def pulse(self):
- u"""All the things to do to the user per increment."""
- # if the world is terminating, disconnect
- if universe.terminate_flag:
- self.state = u"disconnecting"
- self.menu_seen = False
- # check for an idle connection and act appropriately
- else: self.check_idle()
- # if output is paused, decrement the counter
- if self.state == u"initial":
- if self.negotiation_pause: self.negotiation_pause -= 1
- else: self.state = u"entering_account_name"
- # show the user a menu as needed
- elif not self.state == u"active": self.show_menu()
- # flush any pending output in the queue
- self.flush()
- # disconnect users with the appropriate state
- if self.state == u"disconnecting": self.quit()
- # check for input and add it to the queue
- self.enqueue_input()
- # there is input waiting in the queue
- if self.input_queue:
- handle_user_input(self)
- def flush(self):
- u"""Try to send the last item in the queue and remove it."""
- if self.output_queue:
- try:
- self.connection.send(self.output_queue[0])
- del self.output_queue[0]
- except:
- if self.account and self.account.get(u"name"):
- account = self.account.get(u"name")
- else: account = u"an unknown user"
- log(
- u"Sending to %s raised an exception (broken pipe?)." % account,
- 7
+class User:
+ u"""This is a connected user."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ u"""Default values for the in-memory user variables."""
+ import telnet
+ self.account = None
+ self.address = u""
+ self.authenticated = False
+ self.avatar = None
+ self.columns = 79
+ self.connection = None
+ self.error = u""
+ self.input_queue = []
+ self.last_address = u""
+ self.last_input = universe.get_time()
+ self.menu_choices = {}
+ self.menu_seen = False
+ self.negotiation_pause = 0
+ self.output_queue = []
+ self.partial_input = ""
+ self.password_tries = 0
+ self.state = u"initial"
+ self.telopts = {}
+ def quit(self):
+ u"""Log, close the connection and remove."""
+ if self.account:
+ name = self.account.get(u"name")
+ else:
+ name = u""
+ if name:
+ message = u"User " + name
+ else:
+ message = u"An unnamed user"
+ message += u" logged out."
+ log(message, 2)
+ self.deactivate_avatar()
+ self.connection.close()
+ self.remove()
+ def check_idle(self):
+ u"""Warn or disconnect idle users as appropriate."""
+ idletime = universe.get_time() - self.last_input
+ linkdead_dict = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"time"].getdict(
+ u"linkdead"
+ )
+ if self.state in linkdead_dict:
+ linkdead_state = self.state
+ else:
+ linkdead_state = u"default"
+ if idletime > linkdead_dict[linkdead_state]:
+ self.send(
+ u"$(eol)$(red)You've done nothing for far too long... goodbye!"
+ + u"$(nrm)$(eol)",
+ flush=True,
+ add_prompt=False
- pass
- def enqueue_input(self):
- u"""Process and enqueue any new input."""
- import telnet, unicodedata
- # check for some input
- try:
- raw_input = self.connection.recv(1024)
- except:
- raw_input = ""
- # we got something
- if raw_input:
- # tack this on to any previous partial
- self.partial_input += raw_input
- # reply to and remove any IAC negotiation codes
- telnet.negotiate_telnet_options(self)
- # separate multiple input lines
- new_input_lines = self.partial_input.split("\n")
- # if input doesn't end in a newline, replace the
- # held partial input with the last line of it
- if not self.partial_input.endswith("\n"):
- self.partial_input = new_input_lines.pop()
- # otherwise, chop off the extra null input and reset
- # the held partial input
- else:
- new_input_lines.pop()
- self.partial_input = ""
- # iterate over the remaining lines
- for line in new_input_lines:
- # strip off extra whitespace
- line = line.strip()
- # make sure it's valid unicode (probably no longer needed)
- try: unicode(line, u"utf-8")
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- logline = u"Non-unicode data from "
- if self.account and self.account.get(u"name"):
- logline += self.account.get(u"name") + u": "
- else: logline += u"unknown user: "
- logline += repr(line)
- log(logline, 4)
- line = ""
- # log non-printable characters remaining
- if telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_BINARY, telnet.HIM):
- asciiline = filter(lambda x: " " <= x <= "~", line)
- if line != asciiline:
- logline = u"Non-ASCII characters from "
- if self.account and self.account.get(u"name"):
- logline += self.account.get(u"name") + u": "
- else: logline += u"unknown user: "
- logline += repr(line)
- log(logline, 4)
- line = asciiline
- # put on the end of the queue
- self.input_queue.append(
- unicodedata.normalize( u"NFKC", unicode(line, u"utf-8") )
+ logline = u"Disconnecting "
+ if self.account and self.account.get(u"name"):
+ logline += self.account.get(u"name")
+ else:
+ logline += u"an unknown user"
+ logline += u" after idling too long in the " + \
+ self.state + u" state."
+ log(logline, 2)
+ self.state = u"disconnecting"
+ self.menu_seen = False
+ idle_dict = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"time"].getdict(u"idle")
+ if self.state in idle_dict:
+ idle_state = self.state
+ else:
+ idle_state = u"default"
+ if idletime == idle_dict[idle_state]:
+ self.send(
+ u"$(eol)$(red)If you continue to be unproductive, "
+ + u"you'll be shown the door...$(nrm)$(eol)"
- def new_avatar(self):
- u"""Instantiate a new, unconfigured avatar for this user."""
- counter = 0
- while u"avatar:" + self.account.get(u"name") + u":" + unicode(
- counter
- ) in universe.categories[u"actor"].keys():
- counter += 1
- self.avatar = Element(
- u"actor:avatar:" + self.account.get(u"name") + u":" + unicode(
- counter
- ),
- universe
- )
- self.avatar.append(u"inherit", u"archetype:avatar")
- self.account.append(u"avatars", self.avatar.key)
- def delete_avatar(self, avatar):
- u"""Remove an avatar from the world and from the user's list."""
- if self.avatar is universe.contents[avatar]: self.avatar = None
- universe.contents[avatar].destroy()
- avatars = self.account.getlist(u"avatars")
- avatars.remove(avatar)
- self.account.set(u"avatars", avatars)
- def activate_avatar_by_index(self, index):
- u"""Enter the world with a particular indexed avatar."""
- self.avatar = universe.contents[self.account.getlist(u"avatars")[index]]
- self.avatar.owner = self
- self.state = u"active"
- self.avatar.go_home()
- def deactivate_avatar(self):
- u"""Have the active avatar leave the world."""
- if self.avatar:
- current = self.avatar.get(u"location")
- if current:
- self.avatar.set(u"default_location", current)
- self.avatar.echo_to_location(
- u"You suddenly wonder where " + self.avatar.get(
- u"name"
- ) + u" went."
+ def reload(self):
+ u"""Save, load a new user and relocate the connection."""
+ # get out of the list
+ self.remove()
+ # create a new user object
+ new_user = User()
+ # set everything equivalent
+ for attribute in vars(self).keys():
+ exec(u"new_user." + attribute + u" = self." + attribute)
+ # the avatar needs a new owner
+ if new_user.avatar:
+ new_user.avatar.owner = new_user
+ # add it to the list
+ universe.userlist.append(new_user)
+ # get rid of the old user object
+ del(self)
+ def replace_old_connections(self):
+ u"""Disconnect active users with the same name."""
+ # the default return value
+ return_value = False
+ # iterate over each user in the list
+ for old_user in universe.userlist:
+ # the name is the same but it's not us
+ if hasattr(
+ old_user, u"account"
+ ) and old_user.account and old_user.account.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) == self.account.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) and old_user is not self:
+ # make a note of it
+ log(
+ u"User " + self.account.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) + u" reconnected--closing old connection to "
+ + old_user.address + u".",
+ 2
+ )
+ old_user.send(
+ u"$(eol)$(red)New connection from " + self.address
+ + u". Terminating old connection...$(nrm)$(eol)",
+ flush=True,
+ add_prompt=False
+ )
+ # close the old connection
+ old_user.connection.close()
+ # replace the old connection with this one
+ old_user.send(
+ u"$(eol)$(red)Taking over old connection from "
+ + old_user.address + u".$(nrm)"
+ )
+ old_user.connection = self.connection
+ old_user.last_address = old_user.address
+ old_user.address = self.address
+ # take this one out of the list and delete
+ self.remove()
+ del(self)
+ return_value = True
+ break
+ # true if an old connection was replaced, false if not
+ return return_value
+ def authenticate(self):
+ u"""Flag the user as authenticated and disconnect duplicates."""
+ if not self.state is u"authenticated":
+ log(u"User " + self.account.get(u"name") + u" logged in.", 2)
+ self.authenticated = True
+ if self.account.subkey in universe.categories[
+ u"internal"
+ ][
+ u"limits"
+ ].getlist(
+ u"default_admins"
+ ):
+ self.account.set(u"administrator", u"True")
+ def show_menu(self):
+ u"""Send the user their current menu."""
+ if not self.menu_seen:
+ self.menu_choices = get_menu_choices(self)
+ self.send(
+ get_menu(self.state, self.error, self.menu_choices),
+ u"",
+ add_terminator=True
- del universe.contents[current].contents[self.avatar.key]
- self.avatar.remove_facet(u"location")
- self.avatar.owner = None
- self.avatar = None
- def destroy(self):
- u"""Destroy the user and associated avatars."""
- for avatar in self.account.getlist(u"avatars"):
- self.delete_avatar(avatar)
- self.account.destroy()
- def list_avatar_names(self):
- u"""List names of assigned avatars."""
- return [
- universe.contents[avatar].get(
- u"name"
- ) for avatar in self.account.getlist(u"avatars")
- ]
+ self.menu_seen = True
+ self.error = False
+ self.adjust_echoing()
+ def adjust_echoing(self):
+ u"""Adjust echoing to match state menu requirements."""
+ import telnet
+ if telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_ECHO, telnet.US):
+ if menu_echo_on(self.state):
+ telnet.disable(self, telnet.TELOPT_ECHO, telnet.US)
+ elif not menu_echo_on(self.state):
+ telnet.enable(self, telnet.TELOPT_ECHO, telnet.US)
+ def remove(self):
+ u"""Remove a user from the list of connected users."""
+ universe.userlist.remove(self)
+ def send(
+ self,
+ output,
+ eol=u"$(eol)",
+ raw=False,
+ flush=False,
+ add_prompt=True,
+ just_prompt=False,
+ add_terminator=False,
+ prepend_padding=True
+ ):
+ u"""Send arbitrary text to a connected user."""
+ import telnet
+ # unless raw mode is on, clean it up all nice and pretty
+ if not raw:
+ # strip extra $(eol) off if present
+ while output.startswith(u"$(eol)"):
+ output = output[6:]
+ while output.endswith(u"$(eol)"):
+ output = output[:-6]
+ extra_lines = output.find(u"$(eol)$(eol)$(eol)")
+ while extra_lines > -1:
+ output = output[:extra_lines] + output[extra_lines + 6:]
+ extra_lines = output.find(u"$(eol)$(eol)$(eol)")
+ # start with a newline, append the message, then end
+ # with the optional eol string passed to this function
+ # and the ansi escape to return to normal text
+ if not just_prompt and prepend_padding:
+ if not self.output_queue \
+ or not self.output_queue[-1].endswith("\r\n"):
+ output = u"$(eol)" + output
+ elif not self.output_queue[-1].endswith(
+ "\r\n\x1b[0m\r\n"
+ ) and not self.output_queue[-1].endswith(
+ "\r\n\r\n"
+ ):
+ output = u"$(eol)" + output
+ output += eol + unichr(27) + u"[0m"
+ # tack on a prompt if active
+ if self.state == u"active":
+ if not just_prompt:
+ output += u"$(eol)"
+ if add_prompt:
+ output += u"> "
+ mode = self.avatar.get(u"mode")
+ if mode:
+ output += u"(" + mode + u") "
+ # find and replace macros in the output
+ output = replace_macros(self, output)
+ # wrap the text at the client's width (min 40, 0 disables)
+ if self.columns:
+ if self.columns < 40:
+ wrap = 40
+ else:
+ wrap = self.columns
+ output = wrap_ansi_text(output, wrap)
+ # if supported by the client, encode it utf-8
+ if telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_BINARY, telnet.US):
+ encoded_output = output.encode(u"utf-8")
+ # otherwise just send ascii
+ else:
+ encoded_output = output.encode(u"ascii", u"replace")
+ # end with a terminator if requested
+ if add_prompt or add_terminator:
+ if telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_EOR, telnet.US):
+ encoded_output += telnet.telnet_proto(telnet.IAC,
+ telnet.EOR)
+ elif not telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_SGA, telnet.US):
+ encoded_output += telnet.telnet_proto(telnet.IAC,
+ telnet.GA)
+ # and tack it onto the queue
+ self.output_queue.append(encoded_output)
+ # if this is urgent, flush all pending output
+ if flush:
+ self.flush()
+ # just dump raw bytes as requested
+ else:
+ self.output_queue.append(output)
+ self.flush()
+ def pulse(self):
+ u"""All the things to do to the user per increment."""
+ # if the world is terminating, disconnect
+ if universe.terminate_flag:
+ self.state = u"disconnecting"
+ self.menu_seen = False
+ # check for an idle connection and act appropriately
+ else:
+ self.check_idle()
+ # if output is paused, decrement the counter
+ if self.state == u"initial":
+ if self.negotiation_pause:
+ self.negotiation_pause -= 1
+ else:
+ self.state = u"entering_account_name"
+ # show the user a menu as needed
+ elif not self.state == u"active":
+ self.show_menu()
+ # flush any pending output in the queue
+ self.flush()
+ # disconnect users with the appropriate state
+ if self.state == u"disconnecting":
+ self.quit()
+ # check for input and add it to the queue
+ self.enqueue_input()
+ # there is input waiting in the queue
+ if self.input_queue:
+ handle_user_input(self)
+ def flush(self):
+ u"""Try to send the last item in the queue and remove it."""
+ if self.output_queue:
+ try:
+ self.connection.send(self.output_queue[0])
+ del self.output_queue[0]
+ except:
+ if self.account and self.account.get(u"name"):
+ account = self.account.get(u"name")
+ else:
+ account = u"an unknown user"
+ log(
+ u"Sending to %s raised an exception (broken pipe?)." % account,
+ 7
+ )
+ pass
+ def enqueue_input(self):
+ u"""Process and enqueue any new input."""
+ import telnet
+ import unicodedata
+ # check for some input
+ try:
+ raw_input = self.connection.recv(1024)
+ except:
+ raw_input = ""
+ # we got something
+ if raw_input:
+ # tack this on to any previous partial
+ self.partial_input += raw_input
+ # reply to and remove any IAC negotiation codes
+ telnet.negotiate_telnet_options(self)
+ # separate multiple input lines
+ new_input_lines = self.partial_input.split("\n")
+ # if input doesn't end in a newline, replace the
+ # held partial input with the last line of it
+ if not self.partial_input.endswith("\n"):
+ self.partial_input = new_input_lines.pop()
+ # otherwise, chop off the extra null input and reset
+ # the held partial input
+ else:
+ new_input_lines.pop()
+ self.partial_input = ""
+ # iterate over the remaining lines
+ for line in new_input_lines:
+ # strip off extra whitespace
+ line = line.strip()
+ # make sure it's valid unicode (probably no longer needed)
+ try:
+ unicode(line, u"utf-8")
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ logline = u"Non-unicode data from "
+ if self.account and self.account.get(u"name"):
+ logline += self.account.get(u"name") + u": "
+ else:
+ logline += u"unknown user: "
+ logline += repr(line)
+ log(logline, 4)
+ line = ""
+ # log non-printable characters remaining
+ if telnet.is_enabled(self, telnet.TELOPT_BINARY, telnet.HIM):
+ asciiline = filter(lambda x: " " <= x <= "~", line)
+ if line != asciiline:
+ logline = u"Non-ASCII characters from "
+ if self.account and self.account.get(u"name"):
+ logline += self.account.get(u"name") + u": "
+ else:
+ logline += u"unknown user: "
+ logline += repr(line)
+ log(logline, 4)
+ line = asciiline
+ # put on the end of the queue
+ self.input_queue.append(
+ unicodedata.normalize(u"NFKC", unicode(line, u"utf-8"))
+ )
+ def new_avatar(self):
+ u"""Instantiate a new, unconfigured avatar for this user."""
+ counter = 0
+ while u"avatar:" + self.account.get(u"name") + u":" + unicode(
+ counter
+ ) in universe.categories[u"actor"].keys():
+ counter += 1
+ self.avatar = Element(
+ u"actor:avatar:" + self.account.get(u"name") + u":" + unicode(
+ counter
+ ),
+ universe
+ )
+ self.avatar.append(u"inherit", u"archetype:avatar")
+ self.account.append(u"avatars", self.avatar.key)
+ def delete_avatar(self, avatar):
+ u"""Remove an avatar from the world and from the user's list."""
+ if self.avatar is universe.contents[avatar]:
+ self.avatar = None
+ universe.contents[avatar].destroy()
+ avatars = self.account.getlist(u"avatars")
+ avatars.remove(avatar)
+ self.account.set(u"avatars", avatars)
+ def activate_avatar_by_index(self, index):
+ u"""Enter the world with a particular indexed avatar."""
+ self.avatar = universe.contents[
+ self.account.getlist(u"avatars")[index]]
+ self.avatar.owner = self
+ self.state = u"active"
+ self.avatar.go_home()
+ def deactivate_avatar(self):
+ u"""Have the active avatar leave the world."""
+ if self.avatar:
+ current = self.avatar.get(u"location")
+ if current:
+ self.avatar.set(u"default_location", current)
+ self.avatar.echo_to_location(
+ u"You suddenly wonder where " + self.avatar.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) + u" went."
+ )
+ del universe.contents[current].contents[self.avatar.key]
+ self.avatar.remove_facet(u"location")
+ self.avatar.owner = None
+ self.avatar = None
+ def destroy(self):
+ u"""Destroy the user and associated avatars."""
+ for avatar in self.account.getlist(u"avatars"):
+ self.delete_avatar(avatar)
+ self.account.destroy()
+ def list_avatar_names(self):
+ u"""List names of assigned avatars."""
+ return [
+ universe.contents[avatar].get(
+ u"name"
+ ) for avatar in self.account.getlist(u"avatars")
+ ]
def broadcast(message, add_prompt=True):
- u"""Send a message to all connected users."""
- for each_user in universe.userlist:
- each_user.send(u"$(eol)" + message, add_prompt=add_prompt)
+ u"""Send a message to all connected users."""
+ for each_user in universe.userlist:
+ each_user.send(u"$(eol)" + message, add_prompt=add_prompt)
def log(message, level=0):
- u"""Log a message."""
- import codecs, os.path, syslog, time
- # a couple references we need
- file_name = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"logging"].get(u"file")
- max_log_lines = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"logging"].getint(
- u"max_log_lines"
- )
- syslog_name = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"logging"].get(u"syslog")
- timestamp = time.asctime()[4:19]
- # turn the message into a list of lines
- lines = filter(
- lambda x: x!=u"", [ (x.rstrip()) for x in message.split(u"\n") ]
- )
- # send the timestamp and line to a file
- if file_name:
- if not os.path.isabs(file_name):
- file_name = os.path.join(universe.startdir, file_name)
- file_descriptor = codecs.open(file_name, u"a", u"utf-8")
- for line in lines: file_descriptor.write(timestamp + u" " + line + u"\n")
- file_descriptor.flush()
- file_descriptor.close()
- # send the timestamp and line to standard output
- if universe.categories[u"internal"][u"logging"].getboolean(u"stdout"):
- for line in lines: print(timestamp + u" " + line)
- # send the line to the system log
- if syslog_name:
- syslog.openlog(
- syslog_name.encode("utf-8"),
- syslog.LOG_PID,
- syslog.LOG_INFO | syslog.LOG_DAEMON
- )
- for line in lines: syslog.syslog(line)
- syslog.closelog()
- # display to connected administrators
- for user in universe.userlist:
- if user.state == u"active" and user.account.getboolean(
- u"administrator"
- ) and user.account.getint(u"loglevel") <= level:
- # iterate over every line in the message
- full_message = u""
- for line in lines:
- full_message += u"$(bld)$(red)" + timestamp + u" " + line.replace(
- u"$(", u"$_("
- ) + u"$(nrm)$(eol)"
- user.send(full_message, flush=True)
- # add to the recent log list
- for line in lines:
- while 0 < len(universe.loglines) >= max_log_lines:
- del universe.loglines[0]
- universe.loglines.append((level, timestamp + u" " + line))
+ u"""Log a message."""
+ import codecs
+ import os.path
+ import syslog
+ import time
+ # a couple references we need
+ file_name = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"logging"].get(u"file")
+ max_log_lines = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"logging"].getint(
+ u"max_log_lines"
+ )
+ syslog_name = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"logging"].get(u"syslog")
+ timestamp = time.asctime()[4:19]
+ # turn the message into a list of lines
+ lines = filter(
+ lambda x: x != u"", [(x.rstrip()) for x in message.split(u"\n")]
+ )
+ # send the timestamp and line to a file
+ if file_name:
+ if not os.path.isabs(file_name):
+ file_name = os.path.join(universe.startdir, file_name)
+ file_descriptor = codecs.open(file_name, u"a", u"utf-8")
+ for line in lines:
+ file_descriptor.write(timestamp + u" " + line + u"\n")
+ file_descriptor.flush()
+ file_descriptor.close()
+ # send the timestamp and line to standard output
+ if universe.categories[u"internal"][u"logging"].getboolean(u"stdout"):
+ for line in lines:
+ print(timestamp + u" " + line)
+ # send the line to the system log
+ if syslog_name:
+ syslog.openlog(
+ syslog_name.encode("utf-8"),
+ syslog.LOG_PID,
+ syslog.LOG_INFO | syslog.LOG_DAEMON
+ )
+ for line in lines:
+ syslog.syslog(line)
+ syslog.closelog()
+ # display to connected administrators
+ for user in universe.userlist:
+ if user.state == u"active" and user.account.getboolean(
+ u"administrator"
+ ) and user.account.getint(u"loglevel") <= level:
+ # iterate over every line in the message
+ full_message = u""
+ for line in lines:
+ full_message += u"$(bld)$(red)" + timestamp + u" " + line.replace(
+ u"$(", u"$_("
+ ) + u"$(nrm)$(eol)"
+ user.send(full_message, flush=True)
+ # add to the recent log list
+ for line in lines:
+ while 0 < len(universe.loglines) >= max_log_lines:
+ del universe.loglines[0]
+ universe.loglines.append((level, timestamp + u" " + line))
def get_loglines(level, start, stop):
- u"""Return a specific range of loglines filtered by level."""
+ u"""Return a specific range of loglines filtered by level."""
+ # filter the log lines
+ loglines = filter(lambda x: x[0] >= level, universe.loglines)
+ # we need these in several places
+ total_count = unicode(len(universe.loglines))
+ filtered_count = len(loglines)
+ # don't proceed if there are no lines
+ if filtered_count:
+ # can't start before the begining or at the end
+ if start > filtered_count:
+ start = filtered_count
+ if start < 1:
+ start = 1
+ # can't stop before we start
+ if stop > start:
+ stop = start
+ elif stop < 1:
+ stop = 1
+ # some preamble
+ message = u"There are " + unicode(total_count)
+ message += u" log lines in memory and " + unicode(filtered_count)
+ message += u" at or above level " + unicode(level) + u"."
+ message += u" The matching lines from " + unicode(stop) + u" to "
+ message += unicode(start) + u" are:$(eol)$(eol)"
+ # add the text from the selected lines
+ if stop > 1:
+ range_lines = loglines[-start:-(stop - 1)]
+ else:
+ range_lines = loglines[-start:]
+ for line in range_lines:
+ message += u" (" + unicode(line[0]) + u") " + line[1].replace(
+ u"$(", u"$_("
+ ) + u"$(eol)"
+ # there were no lines
+ else:
+ message = u"None of the " + unicode(total_count)
+ message += u" lines in memory matches your request."
+ # pass it back
+ return message
- # filter the log lines
- loglines = filter(lambda x: x[0]>=level, universe.loglines)
- # we need these in several places
- total_count = unicode(len(universe.loglines))
- filtered_count = len(loglines)
+def glyph_columns(character):
+ u"""Convenience function to return the column width of a glyph."""
+ import unicodedata
+ if unicodedata.east_asian_width(character) in u"FW":
+ return 2
+ else:
+ return 1
- # don't proceed if there are no lines
- if filtered_count:
- # can't start before the begining or at the end
- if start > filtered_count: start = filtered_count
- if start < 1: start = 1
+def wrap_ansi_text(text, width):
+ u"""Wrap text with arbitrary width while ignoring ANSI colors."""
+ import unicodedata
- # can't stop before we start
- if stop > start: stop = start
- elif stop < 1: stop = 1
+ # the current position in the entire text string, including all
+ # characters, printable or otherwise
+ absolute_position = 0
- # some preamble
- message = u"There are " + unicode(total_count)
- message += u" log lines in memory and " + unicode(filtered_count)
- message += u" at or above level " + unicode(level) + u"."
- message += u" The matching lines from " + unicode(stop) + u" to "
- message += unicode(start) + u" are:$(eol)$(eol)"
+ # the current text position relative to the begining of the line,
+ # ignoring color escape sequences
+ relative_position = 0
- # add the text from the selected lines
- if stop > 1: range_lines = loglines[-start:-(stop-1)]
- else: range_lines = loglines[-start:]
- for line in range_lines:
- message += u" (" + unicode(line[0]) + u") " + line[1].replace(
- u"$(", u"$_("
- ) + u"$(eol)"
+ # the absolute position of the most recent whitespace character
+ last_whitespace = 0
- # there were no lines
- else:
- message = u"None of the " + unicode(total_count)
- message += u" lines in memory matches your request."
+ # whether the current character is part of a color escape sequence
+ escape = False
- # pass it back
- return message
+ # normalize any potentially composited unicode before we count it
+ text = unicodedata.normalize(u"NFKC", text)
-def glyph_columns(character):
- u"""Convenience function to return the column width of a glyph."""
- import unicodedata
- if unicodedata.east_asian_width(character) in u"FW": return 2
- else: return 1
+ # iterate over each character from the begining of the text
+ for each_character in text:
-def wrap_ansi_text(text, width):
- u"""Wrap text with arbitrary width while ignoring ANSI colors."""
- import unicodedata
- # the current position in the entire text string, including all
- # characters, printable or otherwise
- absolute_position = 0
- # the current text position relative to the begining of the line,
- # ignoring color escape sequences
- relative_position = 0
- # the absolute position of the most recent whitespace character
- last_whitespace = 0
- # whether the current character is part of a color escape sequence
- escape = False
- # normalize any potentially composited unicode before we count it
- text = unicodedata.normalize(u"NFKC", text)
- # iterate over each character from the begining of the text
- for each_character in text:
- # the current character is the escape character
- if each_character == u"\x1b" and not escape:
- escape = True
- # the current character is within an escape sequence
- elif escape:
- # the current character is m, which terminates the
- # escape sequence
- if each_character == u"m":
- escape = False
- # the current character is a newline, so reset the relative
- # position (start a new line)
- elif each_character == u"\n":
- relative_position = 0
- last_whitespace = absolute_position
- # the current character meets the requested maximum line width,
- # so we need to backtrack and find a space at which to wrap;
- # special care is taken to avoid an off-by-one in case the
- # current character is a double-width glyph
- elif each_character != u"\r" and (
- relative_position >= width or (
- relative_position >= width -1 and glyph_columns(
- each_character
- ) == 2
- )
- ):
- # it's always possible we landed on whitespace
- if unicodedata.category(each_character) in (u"Cc",u"Zs"):
- last_whitespace = absolute_position
+ # the current character is the escape character
+ if each_character == u"\x1b" and not escape:
+ escape = True
+ # the current character is within an escape sequence
+ elif escape:
+ # the current character is m, which terminates the
+ # escape sequence
+ if each_character == u"m":
+ escape = False
- # insert an eol in place of the space
- text = text[:last_whitespace] + u"\r\n" + text[last_whitespace + 1:]
- # increase the absolute position because an eol is two
- # characters but the space it replaced was only one
- absolute_position += 1
- # now we're at the begining of a new line, plus the
- # number of characters wrapped from the previous line
- relative_position = 0
- for remaining_characters in text[last_whitespace:absolute_position]:
- relative_position += glyph_columns(remaining_characters)
- # as long as the character is not a carriage return and the
- # other above conditions haven't been met, count it as a
- # printable character
- elif each_character != u"\r":
- relative_position += glyph_columns(each_character)
- if unicodedata.category(each_character) in (u"Cc",u"Zs"):
+ # the current character is a newline, so reset the relative
+ # position (start a new line)
+ elif each_character == u"\n":
+ relative_position = 0
last_whitespace = absolute_position
- # increase the absolute position for every character
- absolute_position += 1
+ # the current character meets the requested maximum line width,
+ # so we need to backtrack and find a space at which to wrap;
+ # special care is taken to avoid an off-by-one in case the
+ # current character is a double-width glyph
+ elif each_character != u"\r" and (
+ relative_position >= width or (
+ relative_position >= width - 1 and glyph_columns(
+ each_character
+ ) == 2
+ )
+ ):
+ # it's always possible we landed on whitespace
+ if unicodedata.category(each_character) in (u"Cc", u"Zs"):
+ last_whitespace = absolute_position
+ # insert an eol in place of the space
+ text = text[:last_whitespace] + \
+ u"\r\n" + text[last_whitespace + 1:]
+ # increase the absolute position because an eol is two
+ # characters but the space it replaced was only one
+ absolute_position += 1
+ # now we're at the begining of a new line, plus the
+ # number of characters wrapped from the previous line
+ relative_position = 0
+ for remaining_characters in text[last_whitespace:absolute_position]:
+ relative_position += glyph_columns(remaining_characters)
+ # as long as the character is not a carriage return and the
+ # other above conditions haven't been met, count it as a
+ # printable character
+ elif each_character != u"\r":
+ relative_position += glyph_columns(each_character)
+ if unicodedata.category(each_character) in (u"Cc", u"Zs"):
+ last_whitespace = absolute_position
+ # increase the absolute position for every character
+ absolute_position += 1
+ # return the newly-wrapped text
+ return text
- # return the newly-wrapped text
- return text
def weighted_choice(data):
- u"""Takes a dict weighted by value and returns a random key."""
- import random
+ u"""Takes a dict weighted by value and returns a random key."""
+ import random
- # this will hold our expanded list of keys from the data
- expanded = []
+ # this will hold our expanded list of keys from the data
+ expanded = []
- # create the expanded list of keys
- for key in data.keys():
- for count in range(data[key]):
- expanded.append(key)
+ # create the expanded list of keys
+ for key in data.keys():
+ for count in range(data[key]):
+ expanded.append(key)
+ # return one at random
+ return random.choice(expanded)
- # return one at random
- return random.choice(expanded)
def random_name():
- u"""Returns a random character name."""
- import random
- # the vowels and consonants needed to create romaji syllables
- vowels = [
- u"a",
- u"i",
- u"u",
- u"e",
- u"o"
- ]
- consonants = [
- u"'",
- u"k",
- u"z",
- u"s",
- u"sh",
- u"z",
- u"j",
- u"t",
- u"ch",
- u"ts",
- u"d",
- u"n",
- u"h",
- u"f",
- u"m",
- u"y",
- u"r",
- u"w"
- ]
- # this dict will hold our weighted list of syllables
- syllables = {}
- # generate the list with an even weighting
- for consonant in consonants:
- for vowel in vowels:
- syllables[consonant + vowel] = 1
- # we'll build the name into this string
- name = u""
- # create a name of random length from the syllables
- for syllable in range(random.randrange(2, 6)):
- name += weighted_choice(syllables)
- # strip any leading quotemark, capitalize and return the name
- return name.strip(u"'").capitalize()
+ u"""Returns a random character name."""
+ import random
+ # the vowels and consonants needed to create romaji syllables
+ vowels = [
+ u"a",
+ u"i",
+ u"u",
+ u"e",
+ u"o"
+ ]
+ consonants = [
+ u"'",
+ u"k",
+ u"z",
+ u"s",
+ u"sh",
+ u"z",
+ u"j",
+ u"t",
+ u"ch",
+ u"ts",
+ u"d",
+ u"n",
+ u"h",
+ u"f",
+ u"m",
+ u"y",
+ u"r",
+ u"w"
+ ]
+ # this dict will hold our weighted list of syllables
+ syllables = {}
+ # generate the list with an even weighting
+ for consonant in consonants:
+ for vowel in vowels:
+ syllables[consonant + vowel] = 1
+ # we'll build the name into this string
+ name = u""
+ # create a name of random length from the syllables
+ for syllable in range(random.randrange(2, 6)):
+ name += weighted_choice(syllables)
+ # strip any leading quotemark, capitalize and return the name
+ return name.strip(u"'").capitalize()
def replace_macros(user, text, is_input=False):
- u"""Replaces macros in text output."""
- import codecs, data, os.path
- # third person pronouns
- pronouns = {
- u"female": { u"obj": u"her", u"pos": u"hers", u"sub": u"she" },
- u"male": { u"obj": u"him", u"pos": u"his", u"sub": u"he" },
- u"neuter": { u"obj": u"it", u"pos": u"its", u"sub": u"it" }
- }
- # a dict of replacement macros
- macros = {
- u"eol": u"\r\n",
- u"bld": unichr(27) + u"[1m",
- u"nrm": unichr(27) + u"[0m",
- u"blk": unichr(27) + u"[30m",
- u"blu": unichr(27) + u"[34m",
- u"cyn": unichr(27) + u"[36m",
- u"grn": unichr(27) + u"[32m",
- u"mgt": unichr(27) + u"[35m",
- u"red": unichr(27) + u"[31m",
- u"yel": unichr(27) + u"[33m",
- }
- # add dynamic macros where possible
- if user.account:
- account_name = user.account.get(u"name")
- if account_name:
- macros[u"account"] = account_name
- if user.avatar:
- avatar_gender = user.avatar.get(u"gender")
- if avatar_gender:
- macros[u"tpop"] = pronouns[avatar_gender][u"obj"]
- macros[u"tppp"] = pronouns[avatar_gender][u"pos"]
- macros[u"tpsp"] = pronouns[avatar_gender][u"sub"]
- # loop until broken
- while True:
- # find and replace per the macros dict
- macro_start = text.find(u"$(")
- if macro_start == -1: break
- macro_end = text.find(u")", macro_start) + 1
- macro = text[macro_start+2:macro_end-1]
- if macro in macros.keys():
- replacement = macros[macro]
- # this is how we handle local file inclusion (dangerous!)
- elif macro.startswith(u"inc:"):
- incfile = data.find_file(macro[4:], universe=universe)
- if os.path.exists(incfile):
- incfd = codecs.open(incfile, u"r", u"utf-8")
- replacement = u""
- for line in incfd:
- if line.endswith(u"\n") and not line.endswith(u"\r\n"):
- line = line.replace(u"\n", u"\r\n")
- replacement += line
- # lose the trailing eol
- replacement = replacement[:-2]
- else:
+ u"""Replaces macros in text output."""
+ import codecs
+ import data
+ import os.path
+ # third person pronouns
+ pronouns = {
+ u"female": {u"obj": u"her", u"pos": u"hers", u"sub": u"she"},
+ u"male": {u"obj": u"him", u"pos": u"his", u"sub": u"he"},
+ u"neuter": {u"obj": u"it", u"pos": u"its", u"sub": u"it"}
+ }
+ # a dict of replacement macros
+ macros = {
+ u"eol": u"\r\n",
+ u"bld": unichr(27) + u"[1m",
+ u"nrm": unichr(27) + u"[0m",
+ u"blk": unichr(27) + u"[30m",
+ u"blu": unichr(27) + u"[34m",
+ u"cyn": unichr(27) + u"[36m",
+ u"grn": unichr(27) + u"[32m",
+ u"mgt": unichr(27) + u"[35m",
+ u"red": unichr(27) + u"[31m",
+ u"yel": unichr(27) + u"[33m",
+ }
+ # add dynamic macros where possible
+ if user.account:
+ account_name = user.account.get(u"name")
+ if account_name:
+ macros[u"account"] = account_name
+ if user.avatar:
+ avatar_gender = user.avatar.get(u"gender")
+ if avatar_gender:
+ macros[u"tpop"] = pronouns[avatar_gender][u"obj"]
+ macros[u"tppp"] = pronouns[avatar_gender][u"pos"]
+ macros[u"tpsp"] = pronouns[avatar_gender][u"sub"]
+ # loop until broken
+ while True:
+ # find and replace per the macros dict
+ macro_start = text.find(u"$(")
+ if macro_start == -1:
+ break
+ macro_end = text.find(u")", macro_start) + 1
+ macro = text[macro_start + 2:macro_end - 1]
+ if macro in macros.keys():
+ replacement = macros[macro]
+ # this is how we handle local file inclusion (dangerous!)
+ elif macro.startswith(u"inc:"):
+ incfile = data.find_file(macro[4:], universe=universe)
+ if os.path.exists(incfile):
+ incfd = codecs.open(incfile, u"r", u"utf-8")
+ replacement = u""
+ for line in incfd:
+ if line.endswith(u"\n") and not line.endswith(u"\r\n"):
+ line = line.replace(u"\n", u"\r\n")
+ replacement += line
+ # lose the trailing eol
+ replacement = replacement[:-2]
+ else:
+ replacement = u""
+ log(u"Couldn't read included " + incfile + u" file.", 6)
+ # if we get here, log and replace it with null
+ else:
replacement = u""
- log(u"Couldn't read included " + incfile + u" file.", 6)
+ if not is_input:
+ log(u"Unexpected replacement macro " +
+ macro + u" encountered.", 6)
- # if we get here, log and replace it with null
- else:
- replacement = u""
- if not is_input:
- log(u"Unexpected replacement macro " + macro + u" encountered.", 6)
+ # and now we act on the replacement
+ text = text.replace(u"$(" + macro + u")", replacement)
- # and now we act on the replacement
- text = text.replace(u"$(" + macro + u")", replacement)
+ # replace the look-like-a-macro sequence
+ text = text.replace(u"$_(", u"$(")
- # replace the look-like-a-macro sequence
- text = text.replace(u"$_(", u"$(")
+ return text
- return text
def escape_macros(text):
- u"""Escapes replacement macros in text."""
- return text.replace(u"$(", u"$_(")
+ u"""Escapes replacement macros in text."""
+ return text.replace(u"$(", u"$_(")
def first_word(text, separator=u" "):
- u"""Returns a tuple of the first word and the rest."""
- if text:
- if text.find(separator) > 0: return text.split(separator, 1)
- else: return text, u""
- else: return u"", u""
+ u"""Returns a tuple of the first word and the rest."""
+ if text:
+ if text.find(separator) > 0:
+ return text.split(separator, 1)
+ else:
+ return text, u""
+ else:
+ return u"", u""
def on_pulse():
- u"""The things which should happen on each pulse, aside from reloads."""
- import time
- # open the listening socket if it hasn't been already
- if not hasattr(universe, u"listening_socket"):
- universe.initialize_server_socket()
- # assign a user if a new connection is waiting
- user = check_for_connection(universe.listening_socket)
- if user: universe.userlist.append(user)
- # iterate over the connected users
- for user in universe.userlist: user.pulse()
- # add an element for counters if it doesn't exist
- if not u"counters" in universe.categories[u"internal"]:
- universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"] = Element(
- u"internal:counters", universe
- )
- # update the log every now and then
- if not universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(u"mark"):
- log(unicode(len(universe.userlist)) + u" connection(s)")
- universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
- u"mark", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"time"].getint(
- u"frequency_log"
- )
- )
- else:
- universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
- u"mark", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(
- u"mark"
- ) - 1
- )
- # periodically save everything
- if not universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(u"save"):
- universe.save()
- universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
- u"save", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"time"].getint(
- u"frequency_save"
- )
- )
- else:
- universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
- u"save", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(
- u"save"
- ) - 1
- )
- # pause for a configurable amount of time (decimal seconds)
- time.sleep(universe.categories[u"internal"][u"time"].getfloat(u"increment"))
- # increase the elapsed increment counter
- universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
- u"elapsed", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(
- u"elapsed"
- ) + 1
- )
+ u"""The things which should happen on each pulse, aside from reloads."""
+ import time
+ # open the listening socket if it hasn't been already
+ if not hasattr(universe, u"listening_socket"):
+ universe.initialize_server_socket()
+ # assign a user if a new connection is waiting
+ user = check_for_connection(universe.listening_socket)
+ if user:
+ universe.userlist.append(user)
+ # iterate over the connected users
+ for user in universe.userlist:
+ user.pulse()
+ # add an element for counters if it doesn't exist
+ if not u"counters" in universe.categories[u"internal"]:
+ universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"] = Element(
+ u"internal:counters", universe
+ )
+ # update the log every now and then
+ if not universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(u"mark"):
+ log(unicode(len(universe.userlist)) + u" connection(s)")
+ universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
+ u"mark", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"time"].getint(
+ u"frequency_log"
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
+ u"mark", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(
+ u"mark"
+ ) - 1
+ )
+ # periodically save everything
+ if not universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(u"save"):
+ universe.save()
+ universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
+ u"save", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"time"].getint(
+ u"frequency_save"
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
+ u"save", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(
+ u"save"
+ ) - 1
+ )
+ # pause for a configurable amount of time (decimal seconds)
+ time.sleep(universe.categories[u"internal"]
+ [u"time"].getfloat(u"increment"))
+ # increase the elapsed increment counter
+ universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].set(
+ u"elapsed", universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].getint(
+ u"elapsed"
+ ) + 1
+ )
def reload_data():
- u"""Reload all relevant objects."""
- for user in universe.userlist[:]: user.reload()
- for element in universe.contents.values():
- if element.origin.is_writeable(): element.reload()
- universe.load()
+ u"""Reload all relevant objects."""
+ for user in universe.userlist[:]:
+ user.reload()
+ for element in universe.contents.values():
+ if element.origin.is_writeable():
+ element.reload()
+ universe.load()
def check_for_connection(listening_socket):
- u"""Check for a waiting connection and return a new user object."""
- import telnet
+ u"""Check for a waiting connection and return a new user object."""
+ import telnet
- # try to accept a new connection
- try:
- connection, address = listening_socket.accept()
- except:
- return None
+ # try to accept a new connection
+ try:
+ connection, address = listening_socket.accept()
+ except:
+ return None
- # note that we got one
- log(u"Connection from " + address[0], 2)
+ # note that we got one
+ log(u"Connection from " + address[0], 2)
- # disable blocking so we can proceed whether or not we can send/receive
- connection.setblocking(0)
+ # disable blocking so we can proceed whether or not we can send/receive
+ connection.setblocking(0)
- # create a new user object
- user = User()
+ # create a new user object
+ user = User()
- # associate this connection with it
- user.connection = connection
+ # associate this connection with it
+ user.connection = connection
- # set the user's ipa from the connection's ipa
- user.address = address[0]
+ # set the user's ipa from the connection's ipa
+ user.address = address[0]
- # let the client know we WILL EOR (RFC 885)
- telnet.enable(user, telnet.TELOPT_EOR, telnet.US)
- user.negotiation_pause = 2
+ # let the client know we WILL EOR (RFC 885)
+ telnet.enable(user, telnet.TELOPT_EOR, telnet.US)
+ user.negotiation_pause = 2
+ # return the new user object
+ return user
- # return the new user object
- return user
def get_menu(state, error=None, choices=None):
- u"""Show the correct menu text to a user."""
+ u"""Show the correct menu text to a user."""
+ # make sure we don't reuse a mutable sequence by default
+ if choices is None:
+ choices = {}
- # make sure we don't reuse a mutable sequence by default
- if choices is None: choices = {}
+ # get the description or error text
+ message = get_menu_description(state, error)
- # get the description or error text
- message = get_menu_description(state, error)
+ # get menu choices for the current state
+ message += get_formatted_menu_choices(state, choices)
- # get menu choices for the current state
- message += get_formatted_menu_choices(state, choices)
+ # try to get a prompt, if it was defined
+ message += get_menu_prompt(state)
- # try to get a prompt, if it was defined
- message += get_menu_prompt(state)
+ # throw in the default choice, if it exists
+ message += get_formatted_default_menu_choice(state)
- # throw in the default choice, if it exists
- message += get_formatted_default_menu_choice(state)
+ # display a message indicating if echo is off
+ message += get_echo_message(state)
- # display a message indicating if echo is off
- message += get_echo_message(state)
+ # return the assembly of various strings defined above
+ return message
- # return the assembly of various strings defined above
- return message
def menu_echo_on(state):
- u"""True if echo is on, false if it is off."""
- return universe.categories[u"menu"][state].getboolean(u"echo", True)
+ u"""True if echo is on, false if it is off."""
+ return universe.categories[u"menu"][state].getboolean(u"echo", True)
def get_echo_message(state):
- u"""Return a message indicating that echo is off."""
- if menu_echo_on(state): return u""
- else: return u"(won't echo) "
+ u"""Return a message indicating that echo is off."""
+ if menu_echo_on(state):
+ return u""
+ else:
+ return u"(won't echo) "
def get_default_menu_choice(state):
- u"""Return the default choice for a menu."""
- return universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"default")
+ u"""Return the default choice for a menu."""
+ return universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"default")
def get_formatted_default_menu_choice(state):
- u"""Default menu choice foratted for inclusion in a prompt string."""
- default_choice = get_default_menu_choice(state)
- if default_choice: return u"[$(red)" + default_choice + u"$(nrm)] "
- else: return u""
+ u"""Default menu choice foratted for inclusion in a prompt string."""
+ default_choice = get_default_menu_choice(state)
+ if default_choice:
+ return u"[$(red)" + default_choice + u"$(nrm)] "
+ else:
+ return u""
def get_menu_description(state, error):
- u"""Get the description or error text."""
+ u"""Get the description or error text."""
- # an error condition was raised by the handler
- if error:
+ # an error condition was raised by the handler
+ if error:
- # try to get an error message matching the condition
- # and current state
- description = universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"error_" + error)
- if not description: description = u"That is not a valid choice..."
- description = u"$(red)" + description + u"$(nrm)"
+ # try to get an error message matching the condition
+ # and current state
+ description = universe.categories[
+ u"menu"][state].get(u"error_" + error)
+ if not description:
+ description = u"That is not a valid choice..."
+ description = u"$(red)" + description + u"$(nrm)"
- # there was no error condition
- else:
+ # there was no error condition
+ else:
- # try to get a menu description for the current state
- description = universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"description")
+ # try to get a menu description for the current state
+ description = universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"description")
+ # return the description or error message
+ if description:
+ description += u"$(eol)$(eol)"
+ return description
- # return the description or error message
- if description: description += u"$(eol)$(eol)"
- return description
def get_menu_prompt(state):
- u"""Try to get a prompt, if it was defined."""
- prompt = universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"prompt")
- if prompt: prompt += u" "
- return prompt
+ u"""Try to get a prompt, if it was defined."""
+ prompt = universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"prompt")
+ if prompt:
+ prompt += u" "
+ return prompt
def get_menu_choices(user):
- u"""Return a dict of choice:meaning."""
- menu = universe.categories[u"menu"][user.state]
- create_choices = menu.get(u"create")
- if create_choices: choices = eval(create_choices)
- else: choices = {}
- ignores = []
- options = {}
- creates = {}
- for facet in menu.facets():
- if facet.startswith(u"demand_") and not eval(
- universe.categories[u"menu"][user.state].get(facet)
- ):
- ignores.append(facet.split(u"_", 2)[1])
- elif facet.startswith(u"create_"):
- creates[facet] = facet.split(u"_", 2)[1]
- elif facet.startswith(u"choice_"):
- options[facet] = facet.split(u"_", 2)[1]
- for facet in creates.keys():
- if not creates[facet] in ignores:
- choices[creates[facet]] = eval(menu.get(facet))
- for facet in options.keys():
- if not options[facet] in ignores:
- choices[options[facet]] = menu.get(facet)
- return choices
+ u"""Return a dict of choice:meaning."""
+ menu = universe.categories[u"menu"][user.state]
+ create_choices = menu.get(u"create")
+ if create_choices:
+ choices = eval(create_choices)
+ else:
+ choices = {}
+ ignores = []
+ options = {}
+ creates = {}
+ for facet in menu.facets():
+ if facet.startswith(u"demand_") and not eval(
+ universe.categories[u"menu"][user.state].get(facet)
+ ):
+ ignores.append(facet.split(u"_", 2)[1])
+ elif facet.startswith(u"create_"):
+ creates[facet] = facet.split(u"_", 2)[1]
+ elif facet.startswith(u"choice_"):
+ options[facet] = facet.split(u"_", 2)[1]
+ for facet in creates.keys():
+ if not creates[facet] in ignores:
+ choices[creates[facet]] = eval(menu.get(facet))
+ for facet in options.keys():
+ if not options[facet] in ignores:
+ choices[options[facet]] = menu.get(facet)
+ return choices
def get_formatted_menu_choices(state, choices):
- u"""Returns a formatted string of menu choices."""
- choice_output = u""
- choice_keys = choices.keys()
- choice_keys.sort()
- for choice in choice_keys:
- choice_output += u" [$(red)" + choice + u"$(nrm)] " + choices[
- choice
- ] + u"$(eol)"
- if choice_output: choice_output += u"$(eol)"
- return choice_output
+ u"""Returns a formatted string of menu choices."""
+ choice_output = u""
+ choice_keys = choices.keys()
+ choice_keys.sort()
+ for choice in choice_keys:
+ choice_output += u" [$(red)" + choice + u"$(nrm)] " + choices[
+ choice
+ ] + u"$(eol)"
+ if choice_output:
+ choice_output += u"$(eol)"
+ return choice_output
def get_menu_branches(state):
- u"""Return a dict of choice:branch."""
- branches = {}
- for facet in universe.categories[u"menu"][state].facets():
- if facet.startswith(u"branch_"):
- branches[
- facet.split(u"_", 2)[1]
- ] = universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(facet)
- return branches
+ u"""Return a dict of choice:branch."""
+ branches = {}
+ for facet in universe.categories[u"menu"][state].facets():
+ if facet.startswith(u"branch_"):
+ branches[
+ facet.split(u"_", 2)[1]
+ ] = universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(facet)
+ return branches
def get_default_branch(state):
- u"""Return the default branch."""
- return universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"branch")
+ u"""Return the default branch."""
+ return universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"branch")
def get_choice_branch(user, choice):
- u"""Returns the new state matching the given choice."""
- branches = get_menu_branches(user.state)
- if choice in branches.keys(): return branches[choice]
- elif choice in user.menu_choices.keys():
- return get_default_branch(user.state)
- else: return u""
+ u"""Returns the new state matching the given choice."""
+ branches = get_menu_branches(user.state)
+ if choice in branches.keys():
+ return branches[choice]
+ elif choice in user.menu_choices.keys():
+ return get_default_branch(user.state)
+ else:
+ return u""
def get_menu_actions(state):
- u"""Return a dict of choice:branch."""
- actions = {}
- for facet in universe.categories[u"menu"][state].facets():
- if facet.startswith(u"action_"):
- actions[
- facet.split(u"_", 2)[1]
- ] = universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(facet)
- return actions
+ u"""Return a dict of choice:branch."""
+ actions = {}
+ for facet in universe.categories[u"menu"][state].facets():
+ if facet.startswith(u"action_"):
+ actions[
+ facet.split(u"_", 2)[1]
+ ] = universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(facet)
+ return actions
def get_default_action(state):
- u"""Return the default action."""
- return universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"action")
+ u"""Return the default action."""
+ return universe.categories[u"menu"][state].get(u"action")
def get_choice_action(user, choice):
- u"""Run any indicated script for the given choice."""
- actions = get_menu_actions(user.state)
- if choice in actions.keys(): return actions[choice]
- elif choice in user.menu_choices.keys():
- return get_default_action(user.state)
- else: return u""
+ u"""Run any indicated script for the given choice."""
+ actions = get_menu_actions(user.state)
+ if choice in actions.keys():
+ return actions[choice]
+ elif choice in user.menu_choices.keys():
+ return get_default_action(user.state)
+ else:
+ return u""
def handle_user_input(user):
- u"""The main handler, branches to a state-specific handler."""
- import telnet
+ u"""The main handler, branches to a state-specific handler."""
+ import telnet
+ # if the user's client echo is off, send a blank line for aesthetics
+ if telnet.is_enabled(user, telnet.TELOPT_ECHO, telnet.US):
+ user.send(u"", add_prompt=False, prepend_padding=False)
- # if the user's client echo is off, send a blank line for aesthetics
- if telnet.is_enabled(user, telnet.TELOPT_ECHO, telnet.US):
- user.send(u"", add_prompt=False, prepend_padding=False)
+ # check to make sure the state is expected, then call that handler
+ if u"handler_" + user.state in globals():
+ exec(u"handler_" + user.state + u"(user)")
+ else:
+ generic_menu_handler(user)
- # check to make sure the state is expected, then call that handler
- if u"handler_" + user.state in globals():
- exec(u"handler_" + user.state + u"(user)")
- else:
- generic_menu_handler(user)
+ # since we got input, flag that the menu/prompt needs to be redisplayed
+ user.menu_seen = False
- # since we got input, flag that the menu/prompt needs to be redisplayed
- user.menu_seen = False
+ # update the last_input timestamp while we're at it
+ user.last_input = universe.get_time()
- # update the last_input timestamp while we're at it
- user.last_input = universe.get_time()
def generic_menu_handler(user):
- u"""A generic menu choice handler."""
- # get a lower-case representation of the next line of input
- if user.input_queue:
- choice = user.input_queue.pop(0)
- if choice: choice = choice.lower()
- else: choice = u""
- if not choice: choice = get_default_menu_choice(user.state)
- if choice in user.menu_choices:
- exec(get_choice_action(user, choice))
- new_state = get_choice_branch(user, choice)
- if new_state: user.state = new_state
- else: user.error = u"default"
+ u"""A generic menu choice handler."""
+ # get a lower-case representation of the next line of input
+ if user.input_queue:
+ choice = user.input_queue.pop(0)
+ if choice:
+ choice = choice.lower()
+ else:
+ choice = u""
+ if not choice:
+ choice = get_default_menu_choice(user.state)
+ if choice in user.menu_choices:
+ exec(get_choice_action(user, choice))
+ new_state = get_choice_branch(user, choice)
+ if new_state:
+ user.state = new_state
+ else:
+ user.error = u"default"
def handler_entering_account_name(user):
- u"""Handle the login account name."""
- # get the next waiting line of input
- input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
- # did the user enter anything?
- if input_data:
- # keep only the first word and convert to lower-case
- name = input_data.lower()
- # fail if there are non-alphanumeric characters
- if name != filter(
- lambda x: x>=u"0" and x<=u"9" or x>=u"a" and x<=u"z", name
- ):
- user.error = u"bad_name"
- # if that account exists, time to request a password
- elif name in universe.categories[u"account"]:
- user.account = universe.categories[u"account"][name]
- user.state = u"checking_password"
- # otherwise, this could be a brand new user
- else:
- user.account = Element(u"account:" + name, universe)
- user.account.set(u"name", name)
- log(u"New user: " + name, 2)
- user.state = u"checking_new_account_name"
- # if the user entered nothing for a name, then buhbye
- else:
- user.state = u"disconnecting"
+ u"""Handle the login account name."""
+ # get the next waiting line of input
+ input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
+ # did the user enter anything?
+ if input_data:
+ # keep only the first word and convert to lower-case
+ name = input_data.lower()
+ # fail if there are non-alphanumeric characters
+ if name != filter(
+ lambda x: x >= u"0" and x <= u"9" or x >= u"a" and x <= u"z", name
+ ):
+ user.error = u"bad_name"
+ # if that account exists, time to request a password
+ elif name in universe.categories[u"account"]:
+ user.account = universe.categories[u"account"][name]
+ user.state = u"checking_password"
+ # otherwise, this could be a brand new user
+ else:
+ user.account = Element(u"account:" + name, universe)
+ user.account.set(u"name", name)
+ log(u"New user: " + name, 2)
+ user.state = u"checking_new_account_name"
+ # if the user entered nothing for a name, then buhbye
+ else:
+ user.state = u"disconnecting"
def handler_checking_password(user):
- u"""Handle the login account password."""
- import password
- # get the next waiting line of input
- input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
- # does the hashed input equal the stored hash?
- if password.verify( input_data, user.account.get(u"passhash") ):
- # if so, set the username and load from cold storage
- if not user.replace_old_connections():
- user.authenticate()
- user.state = u"main_utility"
- # if at first your hashes don't match, try, try again
- elif user.password_tries < universe.categories[
- u"internal"
- ][
- u"limits"
- ].getint(
- u"password_tries"
- ) - 1:
- user.password_tries += 1
- user.error = u"incorrect"
- # we've exceeded the maximum number of password failures, so disconnect
- else:
- user.send(
- u"$(eol)$(red)Too many failed password attempts...$(nrm)$(eol)"
- )
- user.state = u"disconnecting"
+ u"""Handle the login account password."""
+ import password
+ # get the next waiting line of input
+ input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
+ # does the hashed input equal the stored hash?
+ if password.verify(input_data, user.account.get(u"passhash")):
+ # if so, set the username and load from cold storage
+ if not user.replace_old_connections():
+ user.authenticate()
+ user.state = u"main_utility"
+ # if at first your hashes don't match, try, try again
+ elif user.password_tries < universe.categories[
+ u"internal"
+ ][
+ u"limits"
+ ].getint(
+ u"password_tries"
+ ) - 1:
+ user.password_tries += 1
+ user.error = u"incorrect"
+ # we've exceeded the maximum number of password failures, so disconnect
+ else:
+ user.send(
+ u"$(eol)$(red)Too many failed password attempts...$(nrm)$(eol)"
+ )
+ user.state = u"disconnecting"
def handler_entering_new_password(user):
- u"""Handle a new password entry."""
- import password
- # get the next waiting line of input
- input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
- # make sure the password is strong--at least one upper, one lower and
- # one digit, seven or more characters in length
- if len(input_data) > 6 and len(
- filter( lambda x: x>=u"0" and x<=u"9", input_data )
- ) and len(
- filter( lambda x: x>=u"A" and x<=u"Z", input_data )
- ) and len(
- filter( lambda x: x>=u"a" and x<=u"z", input_data )
- ):
- # hash and store it, then move on to verification
- user.account.set( u"passhash", password.create(input_data) )
- user.state = u"verifying_new_password"
- # the password was weak, try again if you haven't tried too many times
- elif user.password_tries < universe.categories[
- u"internal"
- ][
- u"limits"
- ].getint(
- u"password_tries"
- ) - 1:
- user.password_tries += 1
- user.error = u"weak"
- # too many tries, so adios
- else:
- user.send(
- u"$(eol)$(red)Too many failed password attempts...$(nrm)$(eol)"
- )
- user.account.destroy()
- user.state = u"disconnecting"
+ u"""Handle a new password entry."""
+ import password
+ # get the next waiting line of input
+ input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
+ # make sure the password is strong--at least one upper, one lower and
+ # one digit, seven or more characters in length
+ if len(input_data) > 6 and len(
+ filter(lambda x: x >= u"0" and x <= u"9", input_data)
+ ) and len(
+ filter(lambda x: x >= u"A" and x <= u"Z", input_data)
+ ) and len(
+ filter(lambda x: x >= u"a" and x <= u"z", input_data)
+ ):
+ # hash and store it, then move on to verification
+ user.account.set(u"passhash", password.create(input_data))
+ user.state = u"verifying_new_password"
+ # the password was weak, try again if you haven't tried too many times
+ elif user.password_tries < universe.categories[
+ u"internal"
+ ][
+ u"limits"
+ ].getint(
+ u"password_tries"
+ ) - 1:
+ user.password_tries += 1
+ user.error = u"weak"
+ # too many tries, so adios
+ else:
+ user.send(
+ u"$(eol)$(red)Too many failed password attempts...$(nrm)$(eol)"
+ )
+ user.account.destroy()
+ user.state = u"disconnecting"
def handler_verifying_new_password(user):
- u"""Handle the re-entered new password for verification."""
- import password
- # get the next waiting line of input
- input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
- # hash the input and match it to storage
- if password.verify( input_data, user.account.get(u"passhash") ):
- user.authenticate()
- # the hashes matched, so go active
- if not user.replace_old_connections(): user.state = u"main_utility"
- # go back to entering the new password as long as you haven't tried
- # too many times
- elif user.password_tries < universe.categories[
- u"internal"
- ][
- u"limits"
- ].getint(
- u"password_tries"
- ) - 1:
- user.password_tries += 1
- user.error = u"differs"
- user.state = u"entering_new_password"
- # otherwise, sayonara
- else:
- user.send(
- u"$(eol)$(red)Too many failed password attempts...$(nrm)$(eol)"
- )
- user.account.destroy()
- user.state = u"disconnecting"
+ u"""Handle the re-entered new password for verification."""
+ import password
+ # get the next waiting line of input
+ input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
+ # hash the input and match it to storage
+ if password.verify(input_data, user.account.get(u"passhash")):
+ user.authenticate()
+ # the hashes matched, so go active
+ if not user.replace_old_connections():
+ user.state = u"main_utility"
+ # go back to entering the new password as long as you haven't tried
+ # too many times
+ elif user.password_tries < universe.categories[
+ u"internal"
+ ][
+ u"limits"
+ ].getint(
+ u"password_tries"
+ ) - 1:
+ user.password_tries += 1
+ user.error = u"differs"
+ user.state = u"entering_new_password"
+ # otherwise, sayonara
+ else:
+ user.send(
+ u"$(eol)$(red)Too many failed password attempts...$(nrm)$(eol)"
+ )
+ user.account.destroy()
+ user.state = u"disconnecting"
def handler_active(user):
- u"""Handle input for active users."""
- # get the next waiting line of input
- input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
- # is there input?
- if input_data:
- # split out the command and parameters
- actor = user.avatar
- mode = actor.get(u"mode")
- if mode and input_data.startswith(u"!"):
- command_name, parameters = first_word(input_data[1:])
- elif mode == u"chat":
- command_name = u"say"
- parameters = input_data
- else:
- command_name, parameters = first_word(input_data)
- # lowercase the command
- command_name = command_name.lower()
- # the command matches a command word for which we have data
- if command_name in universe.categories[u"command"]:
- command = universe.categories[u"command"][command_name]
- else: command = None
- # if it's allowed, do it
- if actor.can_run(command): exec(command.get(u"action"))
- # otherwise, give an error
- elif command_name: command_error(actor, input_data)
- # if no input, just idle back with a prompt
- else: user.send(u"", just_prompt=True)
+ u"""Handle input for active users."""
+ # get the next waiting line of input
+ input_data = user.input_queue.pop(0)
+ # is there input?
+ if input_data:
+ # split out the command and parameters
+ actor = user.avatar
+ mode = actor.get(u"mode")
+ if mode and input_data.startswith(u"!"):
+ command_name, parameters = first_word(input_data[1:])
+ elif mode == u"chat":
+ command_name = u"say"
+ parameters = input_data
+ else:
+ command_name, parameters = first_word(input_data)
+ # lowercase the command
+ command_name = command_name.lower()
+ # the command matches a command word for which we have data
+ if command_name in universe.categories[u"command"]:
+ command = universe.categories[u"command"][command_name]
+ else:
+ command = None
+ # if it's allowed, do it
+ if actor.can_run(command):
+ exec(command.get(u"action"))
+ # otherwise, give an error
+ elif command_name:
+ command_error(actor, input_data)
+ # if no input, just idle back with a prompt
+ else:
+ user.send(u"", just_prompt=True)
def command_halt(actor, parameters):
- u"""Halt the world."""
- if actor.owner:
+ u"""Halt the world."""
+ if actor.owner:
- # see if there's a message or use a generic one
- if parameters: message = u"Halting: " + parameters
- else:
- message = u"User " + actor.owner.account.get(
- u"name"
- ) + u" halted the world."
+ # see if there's a message or use a generic one
+ if parameters:
+ message = u"Halting: " + parameters
+ else:
+ message = u"User " + actor.owner.account.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) + u" halted the world."
- # let everyone know
- broadcast(message, add_prompt=False)
- log(message, 8)
+ # let everyone know
+ broadcast(message, add_prompt=False)
+ log(message, 8)
+ # set a flag to terminate the world
+ universe.terminate_flag = True
- # set a flag to terminate the world
- universe.terminate_flag = True
def command_reload(actor):
- u"""Reload all code modules, configs and data."""
- if actor.owner:
+ u"""Reload all code modules, configs and data."""
+ if actor.owner:
+ # let the user know and log
+ actor.send(u"Reloading all code modules, configs and data.")
+ log(
+ u"User " +
+ actor.owner.account.get(u"name") + u" reloaded the world.",
+ 8
+ )
- # let the user know and log
- actor.send(u"Reloading all code modules, configs and data.")
- log(
- u"User " + actor.owner.account.get(u"name") + u" reloaded the world.",
- 8
- )
+ # set a flag to reload
+ universe.reload_flag = True
- # set a flag to reload
- universe.reload_flag = True
def command_quit(actor):
- u"""Leave the world and go back to the main menu."""
- if actor.owner:
- actor.owner.state = u"main_utility"
- actor.owner.deactivate_avatar()
+ u"""Leave the world and go back to the main menu."""
+ if actor.owner:
+ actor.owner.state = u"main_utility"
+ actor.owner.deactivate_avatar()
def command_help(actor, parameters):
- u"""List available commands and provide help for commands."""
- # did the user ask for help on a specific command word?
- if parameters and actor.owner:
- # is the command word one for which we have data?
- if parameters in universe.categories[u"command"]:
- command = universe.categories[u"command"][parameters]
- else: command = None
- # only for allowed commands
- if actor.can_run(command):
- # add a description if provided
- description = command.get(u"description")
- if not description:
- description = u"(no short description provided)"
- if command.getboolean(u"administrative"): output = u"$(red)"
- else: output = u"$(grn)"
- output += parameters + u"$(nrm) - " + description + u"$(eol)$(eol)"
- # add the help text if provided
- help_text = command.get(u"help")
- if not help_text:
- help_text = u"No help is provided for this command."
- output += help_text
- # list related commands
- see_also = command.getlist(u"see_also")
- if see_also:
- really_see_also = u""
- for item in see_also:
- if item in universe.categories[u"command"]:
- command = universe.categories[u"command"][item]
- if actor.can_run(command):
- if really_see_also:
- really_see_also += u", "
- if command.getboolean(u"administrative"):
- really_see_also += u"$(red)"
- else:
- really_see_also += u"$(grn)"
- really_see_also += item + u"$(nrm)"
- if really_see_also:
- output += u"$(eol)$(eol)See also: " + really_see_also
- # no data for the requested command word
- else:
- output = u"That is not an available command."
- # no specific command word was indicated
- else:
- # give a sorted list of commands with descriptions if provided
- output = u"These are the commands available to you:$(eol)$(eol)"
- sorted_commands = universe.categories[u"command"].keys()
- sorted_commands.sort()
- for item in sorted_commands:
- command = universe.categories[u"command"][item]
- if actor.can_run(command):
+ u"""List available commands and provide help for commands."""
+ # did the user ask for help on a specific command word?
+ if parameters and actor.owner:
+ # is the command word one for which we have data?
+ if parameters in universe.categories[u"command"]:
+ command = universe.categories[u"command"][parameters]
+ else:
+ command = None
+ # only for allowed commands
+ if actor.can_run(command):
+ # add a description if provided
description = command.get(u"description")
if not description:
- description = u"(no short description provided)"
- if command.getboolean(u"administrative"): output += u" $(red)"
- else: output += u" $(grn)"
- output += item + u"$(nrm) - " + description + u"$(eol)"
- output += u"$(eol)Enter \"help COMMAND\" for help on a command " \
- + u"named \"COMMAND\"."
+ description = u"(no short description provided)"
+ if command.getboolean(u"administrative"):
+ output = u"$(red)"
+ else:
+ output = u"$(grn)"
+ output += parameters + u"$(nrm) - " + description + u"$(eol)$(eol)"
+ # add the help text if provided
+ help_text = command.get(u"help")
+ if not help_text:
+ help_text = u"No help is provided for this command."
+ output += help_text
+ # list related commands
+ see_also = command.getlist(u"see_also")
+ if see_also:
+ really_see_also = u""
+ for item in see_also:
+ if item in universe.categories[u"command"]:
+ command = universe.categories[u"command"][item]
+ if actor.can_run(command):
+ if really_see_also:
+ really_see_also += u", "
+ if command.getboolean(u"administrative"):
+ really_see_also += u"$(red)"
+ else:
+ really_see_also += u"$(grn)"
+ really_see_also += item + u"$(nrm)"
+ if really_see_also:
+ output += u"$(eol)$(eol)See also: " + really_see_also
+ # no data for the requested command word
+ else:
+ output = u"That is not an available command."
+ # no specific command word was indicated
+ else:
+ # give a sorted list of commands with descriptions if provided
+ output = u"These are the commands available to you:$(eol)$(eol)"
+ sorted_commands = universe.categories[u"command"].keys()
+ sorted_commands.sort()
+ for item in sorted_commands:
+ command = universe.categories[u"command"][item]
+ if actor.can_run(command):
+ description = command.get(u"description")
+ if not description:
+ description = u"(no short description provided)"
+ if command.getboolean(u"administrative"):
+ output += u" $(red)"
+ else:
+ output += u" $(grn)"
+ output += item + u"$(nrm) - " + description + u"$(eol)"
+ output += u"$(eol)Enter \"help COMMAND\" for help on a command " \
+ + u"named \"COMMAND\"."
+ # send the accumulated output to the user
+ actor.send(output)
- # send the accumulated output to the user
- actor.send(output)
def command_move(actor, parameters):
- u"""Move the avatar in a given direction."""
- if parameters in universe.contents[actor.get(u"location")].portals():
- actor.move_direction(parameters)
- else: actor.send(u"You cannot go that way.")
+ u"""Move the avatar in a given direction."""
+ if parameters in universe.contents[actor.get(u"location")].portals():
+ actor.move_direction(parameters)
+ else:
+ actor.send(u"You cannot go that way.")
def command_look(actor, parameters):
- u"""Look around."""
- if parameters: actor.send(u"You can't look at or in anything yet.")
- else: actor.look_at(actor.get(u"location"))
+ u"""Look around."""
+ if parameters:
+ actor.send(u"You can't look at or in anything yet.")
+ else:
+ actor.look_at(actor.get(u"location"))
def command_say(actor, parameters):
- u"""Speak to others in the same room."""
- import unicodedata
- # check for replacement macros and escape them
- parameters = escape_macros(parameters)
- # if the message is wrapped in quotes, remove them and leave contents intact
- if parameters.startswith(u"\"") and parameters.endswith(u"\""):
- message = parameters[1:-1]
- literal = True
- # otherwise, get rid of stray quote marks on the ends of the message
- else:
- message = parameters.strip(u"\"'`")
- literal = False
- # the user entered a message
- if message:
- # match the punctuation used, if any, to an action
- actions = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"language"].getdict(
- u"actions"
- )
- default_punctuation = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"language"].get(
- u"default_punctuation"
- )
- action = u""
- for mark in actions.keys():
- if not literal and message.endswith(mark):
- action = actions[mark]
- break
+ u"""Speak to others in the same room."""
+ import unicodedata
+ # check for replacement macros and escape them
+ parameters = escape_macros(parameters)
+ # if the message is wrapped in quotes, remove them and leave contents
+ # intact
+ if parameters.startswith(u"\"") and parameters.endswith(u"\""):
+ message = parameters[1:-1]
+ literal = True
+ # otherwise, get rid of stray quote marks on the ends of the message
+ else:
+ message = parameters.strip(u"\"'`")
+ literal = False
+ # the user entered a message
+ if message:
+ # match the punctuation used, if any, to an action
+ actions = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"language"].getdict(
+ u"actions"
+ )
+ default_punctuation = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"language"].get(
+ u"default_punctuation"
+ )
+ action = u""
+ for mark in actions.keys():
+ if not literal and message.endswith(mark):
+ action = actions[mark]
+ break
+ # add punctuation if needed
+ if not action:
+ action = actions[default_punctuation]
+ if message and not (
+ literal or unicodedata.category(message[-1]) == u"Po"
+ ):
+ message += default_punctuation
+ # failsafe checks to avoid unwanted reformatting and null strings
+ if message and not literal:
+ # decapitalize the first letter to improve matching
+ message = message[0].lower() + message[1:]
+ # iterate over all words in message, replacing typos
+ typos = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"language"].getdict(
+ u"typos"
+ )
+ words = message.split()
+ for index in range(len(words)):
+ word = words[index]
+ while unicodedata.category(word[0]) == u"Po":
+ word = word[1:]
+ while unicodedata.category(word[-1]) == u"Po":
+ word = word[:-1]
+ if word in typos.keys():
+ words[index] = words[index].replace(word, typos[word])
+ message = u" ".join(words)
+ # capitalize the first letter
+ message = message[0].upper() + message[1:]
+ # tell the room
+ if message:
+ actor.echo_to_location(
+ actor.get(u"name") + u" " + action + u"s, \"" + message + u"\""
+ )
+ actor.send(u"You " + action + u", \"" + message + u"\"")
+ # there was no message
+ else:
+ actor.send(u"What do you want to say?")
- # add punctuation if needed
- if not action:
- action = actions[default_punctuation]
- if message and not (
- literal or unicodedata.category(message[-1]) == u"Po"
- ):
- message += default_punctuation
- # failsafe checks to avoid unwanted reformatting and null strings
- if message and not literal:
- # decapitalize the first letter to improve matching
- message = message[0].lower() + message[1:]
- # iterate over all words in message, replacing typos
- typos = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"language"].getdict(
- u"typos"
- )
- words = message.split()
- for index in range(len(words)):
- word = words[index]
- while unicodedata.category(word[0]) == u"Po":
- word = word[1:]
- while unicodedata.category(word[-1]) == u"Po":
- word = word[:-1]
- if word in typos.keys():
- words[index] = words[index].replace(word, typos[word])
- message = u" ".join(words)
- # capitalize the first letter
- message = message[0].upper() + message[1:]
- # tell the room
- if message:
- actor.echo_to_location(
- actor.get(u"name") + u" " + action + u"s, \"" + message + u"\""
- )
- actor.send(u"You " + action + u", \"" + message + u"\"")
- # there was no message
- else:
- actor.send(u"What do you want to say?")
def command_chat(actor):
- u"""Toggle chat mode."""
- mode = actor.get(u"mode")
- if not mode:
- actor.set(u"mode", u"chat")
- actor.send(u"Entering chat mode (use $(grn)!chat$(nrm) to exit).")
- elif mode == u"chat":
- actor.remove_facet(u"mode")
- actor.send(u"Exiting chat mode.")
- else: actor.send(u"Sorry, but you're already busy with something else!")
+ u"""Toggle chat mode."""
+ mode = actor.get(u"mode")
+ if not mode:
+ actor.set(u"mode", u"chat")
+ actor.send(u"Entering chat mode (use $(grn)!chat$(nrm) to exit).")
+ elif mode == u"chat":
+ actor.remove_facet(u"mode")
+ actor.send(u"Exiting chat mode.")
+ else:
+ actor.send(u"Sorry, but you're already busy with something else!")
def command_show(actor, parameters):
- u"""Show program data."""
- import re
- message = u""
- arguments = parameters.split()
- if not parameters: message = u"What do you want to show?"
- elif arguments[0] == u"time":
- message = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].get(
- u"elapsed"
- ) + u" increments elapsed since the world was created."
- elif arguments[0] == u"categories":
- message = u"These are the element categories:$(eol)"
- categories = universe.categories.keys()
- categories.sort()
- for category in categories:
- message += u"$(eol) $(grn)" + category + u"$(nrm)"
- elif arguments[0] == u"files":
- message = u"These are the current files containing the universe:$(eol)"
- filenames = universe.files.keys()
- filenames.sort()
- for filename in filenames:
- if universe.files[filename].is_writeable(): status = u"rw"
- else: status = u"ro"
- message += u"$(eol) $(red)(" + status + u") $(grn)" + filename \
- + u"$(nrm)"
- elif arguments[0] == u"category":
- if len(arguments) != 2: message = u"You must specify one category."
- elif arguments[1] in universe.categories:
- message = u"These are the elements in the \"" + arguments[1] \
- + u"\" category:$(eol)"
- elements = [
- (
- universe.categories[arguments[1]][x].key
- ) for x in universe.categories[arguments[1]].keys()
- ]
- elements.sort()
- for element in elements:
- message += u"$(eol) $(grn)" + element + u"$(nrm)"
- else: message = u"Category \"" + arguments[1] + u"\" does not exist."
- elif arguments[0] == u"file":
- if len(arguments) != 2: message = u"You must specify one file."
- elif arguments[1] in universe.files:
- message = u"These are the elements in the \"" + arguments[1] \
- + u"\" file:$(eol)"
- elements = universe.files[arguments[1]].data.sections()
- elements.sort()
- for element in elements:
- message += u"$(eol) $(grn)" + element + u"$(nrm)"
- else: message = u"Category \"" + arguments[1] + u"\" does not exist."
- elif arguments[0] == u"element":
- if len(arguments) != 2: message = u"You must specify one element."
- elif arguments[1] in universe.contents:
- element = universe.contents[arguments[1]]
- message = u"These are the properties of the \"" + arguments[1] \
- + u"\" element (in \"" + element.origin.filename + u"\"):$(eol)"
- facets = element.facets()
- facets.sort()
- for facet in facets:
- message += u"$(eol) $(grn)" + facet + u": $(red)" \
- + escape_macros(element.get(facet)) + u"$(nrm)"
- else: message = u"Element \"" + arguments[1] + u"\" does not exist."
- elif arguments[0] == u"result":
- if len(arguments) < 2: message = u"You need to specify an expression."
- else:
- try:
- message = repr(eval(u" ".join(arguments[1:])))
- except:
- message = u"Your expression raised an exception!"
- elif arguments[0] == u"log":
- if len(arguments) == 4:
- if re.match(u"^\d+$", arguments[3]) and int(arguments[3]) >= 0:
- stop = int(arguments[3])
- else: stop = -1
- else: stop = 0
- if len(arguments) >= 3:
- if re.match(u"^\d+$", arguments[2]) and int(arguments[2]) > 0:
- start = int(arguments[2])
- else: start = -1
- else: start = 10
- if len(arguments) >= 2:
- if re.match(u"^\d+$", arguments[1]) and 0 <= int(arguments[1]) <= 9:
- level = int(arguments[1])
- else: level = -1
- elif 0 <= actor.owner.account.getint(u"loglevel") <= 9:
- level = actor.owner.account.getint(u"loglevel")
- else: level = 1
- if level > -1 and start > -1 and stop > -1:
- message = get_loglines(level, start, stop)
- else:
- message = u"When specified, level must be 0-9 (default 1), " \
- + u"start and stop must be >=1 (default 10 and 1)."
- else: message = u"I don't know what \"" + parameters + u"\" is."
- actor.send(message)
+ u"""Show program data."""
+ import re
+ message = u""
+ arguments = parameters.split()
+ if not parameters:
+ message = u"What do you want to show?"
+ elif arguments[0] == u"time":
+ message = universe.categories[u"internal"][u"counters"].get(
+ u"elapsed"
+ ) + u" increments elapsed since the world was created."
+ elif arguments[0] == u"categories":
+ message = u"These are the element categories:$(eol)"
+ categories = universe.categories.keys()
+ categories.sort()
+ for category in categories:
+ message += u"$(eol) $(grn)" + category + u"$(nrm)"
+ elif arguments[0] == u"files":
+ message = u"These are the current files containing the universe:$(eol)"
+ filenames = universe.files.keys()
+ filenames.sort()
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if universe.files[filename].is_writeable():
+ status = u"rw"
+ else:
+ status = u"ro"
+ message += u"$(eol) $(red)(" + status + u") $(grn)" + filename \
+ + u"$(nrm)"
+ elif arguments[0] == u"category":
+ if len(arguments) != 2:
+ message = u"You must specify one category."
+ elif arguments[1] in universe.categories:
+ message = u"These are the elements in the \"" + arguments[1] \
+ + u"\" category:$(eol)"
+ elements = [
+ (
+ universe.categories[arguments[1]][x].key
+ ) for x in universe.categories[arguments[1]].keys()
+ ]
+ elements.sort()
+ for element in elements:
+ message += u"$(eol) $(grn)" + element + u"$(nrm)"
+ else:
+ message = u"Category \"" + arguments[1] + u"\" does not exist."
+ elif arguments[0] == u"file":
+ if len(arguments) != 2:
+ message = u"You must specify one file."
+ elif arguments[1] in universe.files:
+ message = u"These are the elements in the \"" + arguments[1] \
+ + u"\" file:$(eol)"
+ elements = universe.files[arguments[1]].data.sections()
+ elements.sort()
+ for element in elements:
+ message += u"$(eol) $(grn)" + element + u"$(nrm)"
+ else:
+ message = u"Category \"" + arguments[1] + u"\" does not exist."
+ elif arguments[0] == u"element":
+ if len(arguments) != 2:
+ message = u"You must specify one element."
+ elif arguments[1] in universe.contents:
+ element = universe.contents[arguments[1]]
+ message = u"These are the properties of the \"" + arguments[1] \
+ + \
+ u"\" element (in \"" + \
+ element.origin.filename + u"\"):$(eol)"
+ facets = element.facets()
+ facets.sort()
+ for facet in facets:
+ message += u"$(eol) $(grn)" + facet + u": $(red)" \
+ + escape_macros(element.get(facet)) + u"$(nrm)"
+ else:
+ message = u"Element \"" + arguments[1] + u"\" does not exist."
+ elif arguments[0] == u"result":
+ if len(arguments) < 2:
+ message = u"You need to specify an expression."
+ else:
+ try:
+ message = repr(eval(u" ".join(arguments[1:])))
+ except:
+ message = u"Your expression raised an exception!"
+ elif arguments[0] == u"log":
+ if len(arguments) == 4:
+ if re.match(u"^\d+$", arguments[3]) and int(arguments[3]) >= 0:
+ stop = int(arguments[3])
+ else:
+ stop = -1
+ else:
+ stop = 0
+ if len(arguments) >= 3:
+ if re.match(u"^\d+$", arguments[2]) and int(arguments[2]) > 0:
+ start = int(arguments[2])
+ else:
+ start = -1
+ else:
+ start = 10
+ if len(arguments) >= 2:
+ if re.match(u"^\d+$", arguments[1]) and 0 <= int(arguments[1]) <= 9:
+ level = int(arguments[1])
+ else:
+ level = -1
+ elif 0 <= actor.owner.account.getint(u"loglevel") <= 9:
+ level = actor.owner.account.getint(u"loglevel")
+ else:
+ level = 1
+ if level > -1 and start > -1 and stop > -1:
+ message = get_loglines(level, start, stop)
+ else:
+ message = u"When specified, level must be 0-9 (default 1), " \
+ + u"start and stop must be >=1 (default 10 and 1)."
+ else:
+ message = u"I don't know what \"" + parameters + u"\" is."
+ actor.send(message)
def command_create(actor, parameters):
- u"""Create an element if it does not exist."""
- if not parameters:
- message = u"You must at least specify an element to create."
- elif not actor.owner: message = u""
- else:
- arguments = parameters.split()
- if len(arguments) == 1: arguments.append(u"")
- if len(arguments) == 2:
- element, filename = arguments
- if element in universe.contents:
- message = u"The \"" + element + u"\" element already exists."
- else:
- message = u"You create \"" + element + u"\" within the universe."
- logline = actor.owner.account.get(
- u"name"
- ) + u" created an element: " + element
- if filename:
- logline += u" in file " + filename
- if filename not in universe.files:
- message += u" Warning: \"" + filename \
- + u"\" is not yet included in any other file and will " \
- + u"not be read on startup unless this is remedied."
- Element(element, universe, filename)
- log(logline, 6)
- elif len(arguments) > 2:
- message = u"You can only specify an element and a filename."
- actor.send(message)
+ u"""Create an element if it does not exist."""
+ if not parameters:
+ message = u"You must at least specify an element to create."
+ elif not actor.owner:
+ message = u""
+ else:
+ arguments = parameters.split()
+ if len(arguments) == 1:
+ arguments.append(u"")
+ if len(arguments) == 2:
+ element, filename = arguments
+ if element in universe.contents:
+ message = u"The \"" + element + u"\" element already exists."
+ else:
+ message = u"You create \"" + \
+ element + u"\" within the universe."
+ logline = actor.owner.account.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) + u" created an element: " + element
+ if filename:
+ logline += u" in file " + filename
+ if filename not in universe.files:
+ message += u" Warning: \"" + filename \
+ + u"\" is not yet included in any other file and will " \
+ + \
+ u"not be read on startup unless this is remedied."
+ Element(element, universe, filename)
+ log(logline, 6)
+ elif len(arguments) > 2:
+ message = u"You can only specify an element and a filename."
+ actor.send(message)
def command_destroy(actor, parameters):
- u"""Destroy an element if it exists."""
- if actor.owner:
- if not parameters: message = u"You must specify an element to destroy."
- else:
- if parameters not in universe.contents:
- message = u"The \"" + parameters + u"\" element does not exist."
- else:
- universe.contents[parameters].destroy()
- message = u"You destroy \"" + parameters \
- + u"\" within the universe."
- log(
- actor.owner.account.get(
- u"name"
- ) + u" destroyed an element: " + parameters,
- 6
- )
- actor.send(message)
+ u"""Destroy an element if it exists."""
+ if actor.owner:
+ if not parameters:
+ message = u"You must specify an element to destroy."
+ else:
+ if parameters not in universe.contents:
+ message = u"The \"" + parameters + \
+ u"\" element does not exist."
+ else:
+ universe.contents[parameters].destroy()
+ message = u"You destroy \"" + parameters \
+ + u"\" within the universe."
+ log(
+ actor.owner.account.get(
+ u"name"
+ ) + u" destroyed an element: " + parameters,
+ 6
+ )
+ actor.send(message)
def command_set(actor, parameters):
- u"""Set a facet of an element."""
- if not parameters:
- message = u"You must specify an element, a facet and a value."
- else:
- arguments = parameters.split(u" ", 2)
- if len(arguments) == 1:
- message = u"What facet of element \"" + arguments[0] \
- + u"\" would you like to set?"
- elif len(arguments) == 2:
- message = u"What value would you like to set for the \"" \
- + arguments[1] + u"\" facet of the \"" + arguments[0] \
- + u"\" element?"
- else:
- element, facet, value = arguments
- if element not in universe.contents:
- message = u"The \"" + element + u"\" element does not exist."
- else:
- universe.contents[element].set(facet, value)
- message = u"You have successfully (re)set the \"" + facet \
- + u"\" facet of element \"" + element \
- + u"\". Try \"show element " + element + u"\" for verification."
- actor.send(message)
+ u"""Set a facet of an element."""
+ if not parameters:
+ message = u"You must specify an element, a facet and a value."
+ else:
+ arguments = parameters.split(u" ", 2)
+ if len(arguments) == 1:
+ message = u"What facet of element \"" + arguments[0] \
+ + u"\" would you like to set?"
+ elif len(arguments) == 2:
+ message = u"What value would you like to set for the \"" \
+ + arguments[1] + u"\" facet of the \"" + arguments[0] \
+ + u"\" element?"
+ else:
+ element, facet, value = arguments
+ if element not in universe.contents:
+ message = u"The \"" + element + u"\" element does not exist."
+ else:
+ universe.contents[element].set(facet, value)
+ message = u"You have successfully (re)set the \"" + facet \
+ + u"\" facet of element \"" + element \
+ + u"\". Try \"show element " + \
+ element + u"\" for verification."
+ actor.send(message)
def command_delete(actor, parameters):
- u"""Delete a facet from an element."""
- if not parameters: message = u"You must specify an element and a facet."
- else:
- arguments = parameters.split(u" ")
- if len(arguments) == 1:
- message = u"What facet of element \"" + arguments[0] \
- + u"\" would you like to delete?"
- elif len(arguments) != 2:
- message = u"You may only specify an element and a facet."
- else:
- element, facet = arguments
- if element not in universe.contents:
- message = u"The \"" + element + u"\" element does not exist."
- elif facet not in universe.contents[element].facets():
- message = u"The \"" + element + u"\" element has no \"" + facet \
- + u"\" facet."
- else:
- universe.contents[element].remove_facet(facet)
- message = u"You have successfully deleted the \"" + facet \
- + u"\" facet of element \"" + element \
- + u"\". Try \"show element " + element + u"\" for verification."
- actor.send(message)
+ u"""Delete a facet from an element."""
+ if not parameters:
+ message = u"You must specify an element and a facet."
+ else:
+ arguments = parameters.split(u" ")
+ if len(arguments) == 1:
+ message = u"What facet of element \"" + arguments[0] \
+ + u"\" would you like to delete?"
+ elif len(arguments) != 2:
+ message = u"You may only specify an element and a facet."
+ else:
+ element, facet = arguments
+ if element not in universe.contents:
+ message = u"The \"" + element + u"\" element does not exist."
+ elif facet not in universe.contents[element].facets():
+ message = u"The \"" + element + u"\" element has no \"" + facet \
+ + u"\" facet."
+ else:
+ universe.contents[element].remove_facet(facet)
+ message = u"You have successfully deleted the \"" + facet \
+ + u"\" facet of element \"" + element \
+ + u"\". Try \"show element " + \
+ element + u"\" for verification."
+ actor.send(message)
def command_error(actor, input_data):
- u"""Generic error for an unrecognized command word."""
- import random
+ u"""Generic error for an unrecognized command word."""
+ import random
+ # 90% of the time use a generic error
+ if random.randrange(10):
+ message = u"I'm not sure what \"" + input_data + u"\" means..."
- # 90% of the time use a generic error
- if random.randrange(10):
- message = u"I'm not sure what \"" + input_data + u"\" means..."
+ # 10% of the time use the classic diku error
+ else:
+ message = u"Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!"
- # 10% of the time use the classic diku error
- else:
- message = u"Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!"
+ # send the error message
+ actor.send(message)
- # send the error message
- actor.send(message)
def daemonize(universe):
- u"""Fork and disassociate from everything."""
- import codecs, ctypes, ctypes.util, os, os.path, sys
- # only if this is what we're configured to do
- if universe.contents[u"internal:process"].getboolean(u"daemon"):
- # if possible, we want to rename the process to the same as the script
- # (these will need to be byte type during 2to3 migration)
- new_argv = "\0".join(sys.argv) + "\0"
- new_short_argv0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + "\0"
- # attempt the linux way first
- try:
- argv_array = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)
- ctypes.pythonapi.Py_GetArgcArgv.argtypes = (
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int),
- ctypes.POINTER(argv_array)
- )
- argc = argv_array()
- ctypes.pythonapi.Py_GetArgcArgv(
- ctypes.c_int(0),
- ctypes.pointer(argc)
- )
- old_argv0_size = len(argc.contents.value)
- ctypes.memset( argc.contents, 0, len(new_argv)+old_argv0_size )
- ctypes.memmove( argc.contents, new_argv, len(new_argv) )
- ctypes.CDLL( ctypes.util.find_library(u"c") ).prctl(
- 15,
- new_short_argv0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
- )
- except:
- # since that failed, maybe it's bsd?
- try:
- # much simpler, since bsd has a libc function call for this
- ctypes.CDLL( ctypes.util.find_library(u"c") ).setproctitle(
- new_argv
+ u"""Fork and disassociate from everything."""
+ import codecs
+ import ctypes
+ import ctypes.util
+ import os
+ import os.path
+ import sys
+ # only if this is what we're configured to do
+ if universe.contents[u"internal:process"].getboolean(u"daemon"):
+ # if possible, we want to rename the process to the same as the script
+ # (these will need to be byte type during 2to3 migration)
+ new_argv = "\0".join(sys.argv) + "\0"
+ new_short_argv0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + "\0"
+ # attempt the linux way first
+ try:
+ argv_array = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)
+ ctypes.pythonapi.Py_GetArgcArgv.argtypes = (
+ ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int),
+ ctypes.POINTER(argv_array)
+ )
+ argc = argv_array()
+ ctypes.pythonapi.Py_GetArgcArgv(
+ ctypes.c_int(0),
+ ctypes.pointer(argc)
+ )
+ old_argv0_size = len(argc.contents.value)
+ ctypes.memset(argc.contents, 0, len(new_argv) + old_argv0_size)
+ ctypes.memmove(argc.contents, new_argv, len(new_argv))
+ ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library(u"c")).prctl(
+ 15,
+ new_short_argv0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
- except:
+ except:
+ # since that failed, maybe it's bsd?
+ try:
+ # much simpler, since bsd has a libc function call for this
+ ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library(u"c")).setproctitle(
+ new_argv
+ )
+ except:
+ # that didn't work either, so just log that we couldn't
+ log(u"Failed to rename the interpreter process (cosmetic).")
- # that didn't work either, so just log that we couldn't
- log(u"Failed to rename the interpreter process (cosmetic).")
+ # log before we start forking around, so the terminal gets the message
+ log(u"Disassociating from the controlling terminal.")
- # log before we start forking around, so the terminal gets the message
- log(u"Disassociating from the controlling terminal.")
+ # fork off and die, so we free up the controlling terminal
+ if os.fork():
+ os._exit(0)
- # fork off and die, so we free up the controlling terminal
- if os.fork(): os._exit(0)
+ # switch to a new process group
+ os.setsid()
- # switch to a new process group
- os.setsid()
+ # fork some more, this time to free us from the old process group
+ if os.fork():
+ os._exit(0)
- # fork some more, this time to free us from the old process group
- if os.fork(): os._exit(0)
+ # reset the working directory so we don't needlessly tie up mounts
+ os.chdir(u"/")
- # reset the working directory so we don't needlessly tie up mounts
- os.chdir(u"/")
+ # clear the file creation mask so we can bend it to our will later
+ os.umask(0)
- # clear the file creation mask so we can bend it to our will later
- os.umask(0)
+ # redirect stdin/stdout/stderr and close off their former descriptors
+ for stdpipe in range(3):
+ os.close(stdpipe)
+ sys.stdin = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"r", u"utf-8")
+ sys.__stdin__ = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"r", u"utf-8")
+ sys.stdout = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"w", u"utf-8")
+ sys.stderr = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"w", u"utf-8")
+ sys.__stdout__ = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"w", u"utf-8")
+ sys.__stderr__ = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"w", u"utf-8")
- # redirect stdin/stdout/stderr and close off their former descriptors
- for stdpipe in range(3): os.close(stdpipe)
- sys.stdin = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"r", u"utf-8")
- sys.__stdin__ = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"r", u"utf-8")
- sys.stdout = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"w", u"utf-8")
- sys.stderr = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"w", u"utf-8")
- sys.__stdout__ = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"w", u"utf-8")
- sys.__stderr__ = codecs.open(u"/dev/null", u"w", u"utf-8")
def create_pidfile(universe):
- u"""Write a file containing the current process ID."""
- import codecs, os, os.path
- pid = unicode(os.getpid())
- log(u"Process ID: " + pid)
- file_name = universe.contents[u"internal:process"].get(u"pidfile")
- if file_name:
- if not os.path.isabs(file_name):
- file_name = os.path.join(universe.startdir, file_name)
- file_descriptor = codecs.open(file_name, u"w", u"utf-8")
- file_descriptor.write(pid + u"\n")
- file_descriptor.flush()
- file_descriptor.close()
+ u"""Write a file containing the current process ID."""
+ import codecs
+ import os
+ import os.path
+ pid = unicode(os.getpid())
+ log(u"Process ID: " + pid)
+ file_name = universe.contents[u"internal:process"].get(u"pidfile")
+ if file_name:
+ if not os.path.isabs(file_name):
+ file_name = os.path.join(universe.startdir, file_name)
+ file_descriptor = codecs.open(file_name, u"w", u"utf-8")
+ file_descriptor.write(pid + u"\n")
+ file_descriptor.flush()
+ file_descriptor.close()
def remove_pidfile(universe):
- u"""Remove the file containing the current process ID."""
- import os, os.path
- file_name = universe.contents[u"internal:process"].get(u"pidfile")
- if file_name:
- if not os.path.isabs(file_name):
- file_name = os.path.join(universe.startdir, file_name)
- if os.access(file_name, os.W_OK): os.remove(file_name)
+ u"""Remove the file containing the current process ID."""
+ import os
+ import os.path
+ file_name = universe.contents[u"internal:process"].get(u"pidfile")
+ if file_name:
+ if not os.path.isabs(file_name):
+ file_name = os.path.join(universe.startdir, file_name)
+ if os.access(file_name, os.W_OK):
+ os.remove(file_name)
def excepthook(excepttype, value, tracebackdata):
- u"""Handle uncaught exceptions."""
- import traceback
+ u"""Handle uncaught exceptions."""
+ import traceback
- # assemble the list of errors into a single string
- message = u"".join(
- traceback.format_exception(excepttype, value, tracebackdata)
- )
+ # assemble the list of errors into a single string
+ message = u"".join(
+ traceback.format_exception(excepttype, value, tracebackdata)
+ )
- # try to log it, if possible
- try: log(message, 9)
- except: pass
+ # try to log it, if possible
+ try:
+ log(message, 9)
+ except:
+ pass
+ # try to write it to stderr, if possible
+ try:
+ sys.stderr.write(message)
+ except:
+ pass
- # try to write it to stderr, if possible
- try: sys.stderr.write(message)
- except: pass
def sighook(what, where):
- u"""Handle external signals."""
- import signal
+ u"""Handle external signals."""
+ import signal
+ # a generic message
+ message = u"Caught signal: "
- # a generic message
- message = u"Caught signal: "
+ # for a hangup signal
+ if what == signal.SIGHUP:
+ message += u"hangup (reloading)"
+ universe.reload_flag = True
- # for a hangup signal
- if what == signal.SIGHUP:
- message += u"hangup (reloading)"
- universe.reload_flag = True
+ # for a terminate signal
+ elif what == signal.SIGTERM:
+ message += u"terminate (halting)"
+ universe.terminate_flag = True
- # for a terminate signal
- elif what == signal.SIGTERM:
- message += u"terminate (halting)"
- universe.terminate_flag = True
+ # catchall for unexpected signals
+ else:
+ message += unicode(what) + u" (unhandled)"
- # catchall for unexpected signals
- else: message += unicode(what) + u" (unhandled)"
+ # log what happened
+ log(message, 8)
- # log what happened
- log(message, 8)
def override_excepthook():
- u"""Redefine sys.excepthook with our own."""
- import sys
- sys.excepthook = excepthook
+ u"""Redefine sys.excepthook with our own."""
+ import sys
+ sys.excepthook = excepthook
def assign_sighook():
- u"""Assign a customized handler for some signals."""
- import signal
- signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighook)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sighook)
+ u"""Assign a customized handler for some signals."""
+ import signal
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighook)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sighook)
def setup():
- """This contains functions to be performed when starting the engine."""
- import sys
+ """This contains functions to be performed when starting the engine."""
+ import sys
+ # see if a configuration file was specified
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ conffile = sys.argv[1]
+ else:
+ conffile = u""
- # see if a configuration file was specified
- if len(sys.argv) > 1: conffile = sys.argv[1]
- else: conffile = u""
+ # the big bang
+ global universe
+ universe = Universe(conffile, True)
- # the big bang
- global universe
- universe = Universe(conffile, True)
+ # log an initial message
+ log(u"Started mudpy with command line: " + u" ".join(sys.argv))
- # log an initial message
- log(u"Started mudpy with command line: " + u" ".join(sys.argv))
+ # fork and disassociate
+ daemonize(universe)
- # fork and disassociate
- daemonize(universe)
+ # override the default exception handler so we get logging first thing
+ override_excepthook()
- # override the default exception handler so we get logging first thing
- override_excepthook()
+ # set up custom signal handlers
+ assign_sighook()
- # set up custom signal handlers
- assign_sighook()
+ # make the pidfile
+ create_pidfile(universe)
- # make the pidfile
- create_pidfile(universe)
+ # pass the initialized universe back
+ return universe
- # pass the initialized universe back
- return universe
def finish():
- """This contains functions to be performed when shutting down the engine."""
+ """This contains functions to be performed when shutting down the engine."""
- # the loop has terminated, so save persistent data
- universe.save()
+ # the loop has terminated, so save persistent data
+ universe.save()
- # log a final message
- log(u"Shutting down now.")
+ # log a final message
+ log(u"Shutting down now.")
- # get rid of the pidfile
- remove_pidfile(universe)
+ # get rid of the pidfile
+ remove_pidfile(universe)