"""Core objects for the mudpy engine."""
-# Copyright (c) 2005 mudpy, The Fungi <fungi@yuggoth.org>, all rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2006 mudpy, The Fungi <fungi@yuggoth.org>, all rights reserved.
# Licensed per terms in the LICENSE file distributed with this software.
# import some things we need
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from md5 import new as new_md5
-from os import R_OK, access, chmod, makedirs, stat
+from os import _exit, R_OK, W_OK, access, chmod, close, fork, getpid, makedirs, remove, setsid, stat
from os.path import abspath, dirname, exists, isabs, join as path_join
from random import choice, randrange
from re import match
+from signal import SIGHUP, SIGTERM, signal
from socket import AF_INET, SO_REUSEADDR, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_SOCKET, socket
from stat import S_IMODE, ST_MODE
from sys import stderr
import sys
sys.excepthook = excepthook
+def sighook(what, where):
+ """Handle external signals."""
+ # a generic message
+ message = "Caught signal: "
+ # for a hangup signal
+ if what == SIGHUP:
+ message += "hangup (reloading)"
+ universe.reload_modules = True
+ # for a terminate signal
+ elif what == SIGTERM:
+ message += "terminate (halting)"
+ universe.terminate_world = True
+ # catchall for unexpected signals
+ else: message += str(what) + " (unhandled)"
+ # log what happened
+ log(message, 8)
+# assign the sgnal handlers
+signal(SIGHUP, sighook)
+signal(SIGTERM, sighook)
class Element:
"""An element of the universe."""
def __init__(self, key, universe, filename=None):
"""Set up a new element."""
- # not owned by a user by default (used for avatars)
- self.owner = None
- # no contents in here by default
- self.contents = {}
- # an event queue for the element
- self.events = {}
# keep track of our key name
self.key = key
- # parse out appropriate category and subkey names, add to list
- if self.key.find(":") > 0:
- self.category, self.subkey = self.key.split(":", 1)
+ # keep track of what universe it's loading` into
+ self.universe = universe
+ # clone attributes if this is replacing another element
+ if self.key in self.universe.contents:
+ old_element = self.universe.contents[self.key]
+ for attribute in vars(old_element).keys():
+ exec("self." + attribute + " = old_element." + attribute)
+ if self.owner: self.owner.avatar = self
+ # i guess this is a new element then
- self.category = "other"
- self.subkey = self.key
- if not self.category in universe.categories:
- self.category = "other"
- self.subkey = self.key
- universe.categories[self.category][self.subkey] = self
- # get an appropriate filename for the origin
- if not filename: filename = universe.default_origins[self.category]
- if not isabs(filename): filename = abspath(filename)
+ # not owned by a user by default (used for avatars)
+ self.owner = None
- # add the file if it doesn't exist yet
- if not filename in universe.files: DataFile(filename, universe)
+ # no contents in here by default
+ self.contents = {}
+ # parse out appropriate category and subkey names, add to list
+ if self.key.find(":") > 0:
+ self.category, self.subkey = self.key.split(":", 1)
+ else:
+ self.category = "other"
+ self.subkey = self.key
+ if not self.category in self.universe.categories:
+ self.category = "other"
+ self.subkey = self.key
- # record a pointer to the origin file
- self.origin = universe.files[filename]
+ # get an appropriate filename for the origin
+ if not filename: filename = self.universe.default_origins[self.category]
+ if not isabs(filename): filename = abspath(filename)
+ # add the file if it doesn't exist yet
+ if not filename in self.universe.files: DataFile(filename, self.universe)
+ # record or reset a pointer to the origin file
+ self.origin = self.universe.files[filename]
# add a data section to the origin if necessary
if not self.origin.data.has_section(self.key):
- # add this element to the universe contents
- universe.contents[self.key] = self
+ # add or replace this element in the universe
+ self.universe.contents[self.key] = self
+ self.universe.categories[self.category][self.subkey] = self
+ def reload(self):
+ """Create a new element and replace this one."""
+ new_element = Element(self.key, self.universe, self.origin.filename)
+ del(self)
def destroy(self):
"""Remove an element from the universe and destroy it."""
- del universe.categories[self.category][self.subkey]
- del universe.contents[self.key]
+ del self.universe.categories[self.category][self.subkey]
+ del self.universe.contents[self.key]
del self
def facets(self):
"""Return a list of non-inherited facets for this element."""
if self.has_facet("inherit"):
ancestry = self.getlist("inherit")
for parent in ancestry[:]:
- ancestors = universe.contents[parent].ancestry()
+ ancestors = self.universe.contents[parent].ancestry()
for ancestor in ancestors:
if ancestor not in ancestry: ancestry.append(ancestor)
return ancestry
return self.origin.data.get(self.key, facet)
elif self.has_facet("inherit"):
for ancestor in self.ancestry():
- if universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
- return universe.contents[ancestor].get(facet)
+ if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
+ return self.universe.contents[ancestor].get(facet)
else: return default
def getboolean(self, facet, default=None):
"""Retrieve values as boolean type."""
return self.origin.data.getboolean(self.key, facet)
elif self.has_facet("inherit"):
for ancestor in self.ancestry():
- if universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
- return universe.contents[ancestor].getboolean(facet)
+ if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
+ return self.universe.contents[ancestor].getboolean(facet)
else: return default
def getint(self, facet, default=None):
"""Return values as int/long type."""
return self.origin.data.getint(self.key, facet)
elif self.has_facet("inherit"):
for ancestor in self.ancestry():
- if universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
- return universe.contents[ancestor].getint(facet)
+ if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
+ return self.universe.contents[ancestor].getint(facet)
else: return default
def getfloat(self, facet, default=None):
"""Return values as float type."""
return self.origin.data.getfloat(self.key, facet)
elif self.has_facet("inherit"):
for ancestor in self.ancestry():
- if universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
- return universe.contents[ancestor].getfloat(facet)
+ if self.universe.contents[ancestor].has_facet(facet):
+ return self.universe.contents[ancestor].getfloat(facet)
else: return default
def getlist(self, facet, default=None):
"""Return values as list type."""
"""Create, attach and enqueue an event element."""
# if when isn't specified, that means now
- if not when: when = universe.get_time()
+ if not when: when = self.universe.get_time()
# events are elements themselves
event = Element("event:" + self.key + ":" + counter)
"""Check if the user can run this command object."""
# has to be in the commands category
- if command not in universe.categories["command"].values(): result = False
+ if command not in self.universe.categories["command"].values(): result = False
# avatars of administrators can run any command
elif self.owner and self.owner.account.getboolean("administrator"): result = True
# pass back the result
return result
+ def update_location(self):
+ """Make sure the location's contents contain this element."""
+ location = self.get("location")
+ if location in self.universe.contents:
+ self.universe.contents[location].contents[self.key] = self
+ def clean_contents(self):
+ """Make sure the element's contents aren't bogus."""
+ for element in self.contents.values():
+ if element.get("location") != self.key:
+ del self.contents[element.key]
def go_to(self, location):
"""Relocate the element to a specific location."""
current = self.get("location")
- if current and self.key in universe.contents[current].contents:
+ if current and self.key in self.universe.contents[current].contents:
del universe.contents[current].contents[self.key]
- if location in universe.contents: self.set("location", location)
- universe.contents[location].contents[self.key] = self
+ if location in self.universe.contents: self.set("location", location)
+ self.universe.contents[location].contents[self.key] = self
def go_home(self):
"""Relocate the element to its default location."""
self.echo_to_location("You suddenly realize that " + self.get("name") + " is here.")
def move_direction(self, direction):
"""Relocate the element in a specified direction."""
- self.echo_to_location(self.get("name") + " exits " + universe.categories["internal"]["directions"].getdict(direction)["exit"] + ".")
- self.send("You exit " + universe.categories["internal"]["directions"].getdict(direction)["exit"] + ".")
- self.go_to(universe.contents[self.get("location")].link_neighbor(direction))
- self.echo_to_location(self.get("name") + " arrives from " + universe.categories["internal"]["directions"].getdict(direction)["enter"] + ".")
+ self.echo_to_location(self.get("name") + " exits " + self.universe.categories["internal"]["directions"].getdict(direction)["exit"] + ".")
+ self.send("You exit " + self.universe.categories["internal"]["directions"].getdict(direction)["exit"] + ".")
+ self.go_to(self.universe.contents[self.get("location")].link_neighbor(direction))
+ self.echo_to_location(self.get("name") + " arrives from " + self.universe.categories["internal"]["directions"].getdict(direction)["enter"] + ".")
def look_at(self, key):
"""Show an element to another element."""
if self.owner:
- element = universe.contents[key]
+ element = self.universe.contents[key]
message = ""
name = element.get("name")
if name: message += "$(cyn)" + name + "$(nrm)$(eol)"
if portal_list:
message += "$(cyn)[ Exits: " + ", ".join(portal_list) + " ]$(nrm)$(eol)"
- for element in universe.contents[self.get("location")].contents.values():
+ for element in self.universe.contents[self.get("location")].contents.values():
if element.getboolean("is_actor") and element is not self:
message += "$(yel)" + element.get("name") + " is here.$(nrm)$(eol)"
+ elif element is not self:
+ message += "$(grn)" + element.get("impression") + "$(nrm)$(eol)"
def portals(self):
"""Map the portal directions for a room to neighbors."""
portals = {}
if match("""^location:-?\d+,-?\d+,-?\d+$""", self.key):
coordinates = [(int(x)) for x in self.key.split(":")[1].split(",")]
- directions = universe.categories["internal"]["directions"]
+ directions = self.universe.categories["internal"]["directions"]
offsets = dict([(x, directions.getdict(x)["vector"]) for x in directions.facets()])
for portal in self.getlist("gridlinks"):
adjacent = map(lambda c,o: c+o, coordinates, offsets[portal])
neighbor = "location:" + ",".join([(str(x)) for x in adjacent])
- if neighbor in universe.contents: portals[portal] = neighbor
+ if neighbor in self.universe.contents: portals[portal] = neighbor
for facet in self.facets():
if facet.startswith("link_"):
neighbor = self.get(facet)
- if neighbor in universe.contents:
+ if neighbor in self.universe.contents:
portal = facet.split("_")[1]
portals[portal] = neighbor
return portals
if direction in portals: return portals[direction]
def echo_to_location(self, message):
"""Show a message to other elements in the current location."""
- for element in universe.contents[self.get("location")].contents.values():
+ for element in self.universe.contents[self.get("location")].contents.values():
if element is not self: element.send(message)
class DataFile:
self.modified = False
self.data = RawConfigParser()
if access(self.filename, R_OK): self.data.read(self.filename)
+ if not hasattr(self.universe, "files"): self.universe.files = {}
self.universe.files[self.filename] = self
if self.data.has_option("__control__", "include_files"):
includes = makelist(self.data.get("__control__", "include_files"))
file_descriptor = file(self.filename, "w")
# if it's marked private, chmod it appropriately
- if self.filename in universe.private_files and oct(S_IMODE(stat(self.filename)[ST_MODE])) != 0600:
+ if self.filename in self.universe.private_files and oct(S_IMODE(stat(self.filename)[ST_MODE])) != 0600:
chmod(self.filename, 0600)
# write it back sorted, instead of using ConfigParser
class Universe:
"""The universe."""
def __init__(self, filename=""):
"""Initialize the universe."""
self.categories = {}
filename = abspath(filename)
self.filename = filename
def load(self):
"""Load universe data from persistent storage."""
- self.files = {}
- DataFile(self.filename, self)
+ # the files dict must exist and filename needs to be read-only
+ if not hasattr(self, "files") or not ( self.filename in self.files and self.files[self.filename].is_writeable() ):
+ # clear out all read-only files
+ if hasattr(self, "files"):
+ for data_filename in self.files.keys():
+ if not self.files[data_filename].is_writeable():
+ del self.files[data_filename]
+ # start loading from the initial file
+ DataFile(self.filename, self)
+ # make a list of inactive avatars
+ inactive_avatars = []
+ for account in self.categories["account"].values():
+ inactive_avatars += [ (self.contents[x]) for x in account.getlist("avatars") ]
+ for user in self.userlist:
+ if user.avatar in inactive_avatars:
+ inactive_avatars.remove(user.avatar)
+ # go through all elements to clear out inactive avatar locations
+ for element in self.contents.values():
+ location = element.get("location")
+ if element in inactive_avatars and location:
+ if location in self.contents and element.key in self.contents[location].contents:
+ del self.contents[location].contents[element.key]
+ element.set("default_location", location)
+ element.remove_facet("location")
+ # another pass to straighten out all the element contents
+ for element in self.contents.values():
+ element.update_location()
+ element.clean_contents()
def save(self):
"""Save the universe to persistent storage."""
for key in self.files: self.files[key].save()
def initialize_server_socket(self):
"""Create and open the listening socket."""
self.listening_socket.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
# bind the socket to to our desired server ipa and port
- self.listening_socket.bind((self.categories["internal"]["network"].get("host"), self.categories["internal"]["network"].getint("port")))
+ host = self.categories["internal"]["network"].get("host")
+ port = self.categories["internal"]["network"].getint("port")
+ self.listening_socket.bind((host, port))
# disable blocking so we can proceed whether or not we can
# send/receive
# note that we're now ready for user connections
- log("Waiting for connection(s)...")
+ if not host: host = ""
+ log("Listening for Telnet connections on: " + host + ":" + str(port))
def get_time(self):
"""Convenience method to get the elapsed time counter."""
def __init__(self):
"""Default values for the in-memory user variables."""
+ self.account = None
self.address = ""
- self.last_address = ""
- self.connection = None
self.authenticated = False
- self.password_tries = 0
- self.state = "initial"
- self.menu_seen = False
+ self.avatar = None
+ self.connection = None
+ self.echoing = True
self.error = ""
self.input_queue = []
+ self.last_address = ""
+ self.menu_choices = {}
+ self.menu_seen = False
+ self.negotiation_pause = 0
self.output_queue = []
self.partial_input = ""
- self.echoing = True
+ self.password_tries = 0
self.received_newline = True
+ self.state = "initial"
self.terminator = IAC+GA
- self.negotiation_pause = 0
- self.avatar = None
- self.account = None
def quit(self):
"""Log, close the connection and remove."""
# create a new user object
new_user = User()
- # set everything else equivalent
- for attribute in [
- "address",
- "last_address",
- "connection",
- "authenticated",
- "password_tries",
- "state",
- "menu_seen",
- "error",
- "input_queue",
- "output_queue",
- "partial_input",
- "echoing",
- "received_newline",
- "terminator",
- "negotiation_pause",
- "avatar",
- "account"
- ]:
+ # set everything equivalent
+ for attribute in vars(self).keys():
exec("new_user." + attribute + " = self." + attribute)
+ # the avatar needs a new owner
+ if new_user.avatar: new_user.avatar.owner = new_user
# add it to the list
old_user.connection = self.connection
old_user.last_address = old_user.address
old_user.address = self.address
- old_user.echoing = self.echoing
+ # may need to tell the new connection to echo
+ if old_user.echoing:
+ old_user.send(get_echo_sequence(old_user.state, self.echoing), raw=True)
# take this one out of the list and delete
"""List names of assigned avatars."""
return [ universe.contents[avatar].get("name") for avatar in self.account.getlist("avatars") ]
+def create_pidfile(universe):
+ """Write a file containing the current process ID."""
+ pid = str(getpid())
+ log("Process ID: " + pid)
+ file_name = universe.contents["internal:process"].get("pidfile")
+ if file_name:
+ file_descriptor = file(file_name, 'w')
+ file_descriptor.write(pid + "\n")
+ file_descriptor.flush()
+ file_descriptor.close()
+def remove_pidfile(universe):
+ """Remove the file containing the current process ID."""
+ file_name = universe.contents["internal:process"].get("pidfile")
+ if file_name and access(file_name, W_OK): remove(file_name)
def makelist(value):
"""Turn string into list type."""
if value[0] + value[-1] == "[]": return eval(value)
# pause for a configurable amount of time (decimal seconds)
- # increment the elapsed increment counter
+ # increase the elapsed increment counter
universe.categories["internal"]["counters"].set("elapsed", universe.categories["internal"]["counters"].getint("elapsed") + 1)
def reload_data():
- """Reload data into new persistent objects."""
+ """Reload all relevant objects."""
for user in universe.userlist[:]: user.reload()
+ for element in universe.contents.values():
+ if element.origin.is_writeable(): element.reload()
def check_for_connection(listening_socket):
elif command_name: command_error(actor, input_data)
# if no input, just idle back with a prompt
- else: actor("", just_prompt=True)
+ else: user.send("", just_prompt=True)
def command_halt(actor, parameters):
"""Halt the world."""
# get rid of quote marks on the ends of the message and
# capitalize the first letter
- message = parameters.strip("\"'`").capitalize()
+ message = parameters.strip("\"'`")
+ message = message[0].capitalize() + message[1:]
# a dictionary of punctuation:action pairs
actions = {}
# send the error message
+def daemonize():
+ """Fork and disassociate from everything."""
+ if universe.contents["internal:process"].getboolean("daemon"):
+ import sys
+ log("Disassociating from the controlling terminal.")
+ if fork(): _exit(0)
+ setsid()
+ for stdpipe in range(3): close(stdpipe)
+ sys.stdin = sys.__stdin__ = file("/dev/null", "r")
+ sys.stdout = sys.stderr = sys.__stdout__ = sys.__stderr__ = file("/dev/null", "w")
# if there is no universe, create an empty one
if not "universe" in locals(): universe = Universe()