# to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is granted under
# terms provided in the LICENSE file distributed with this software.
+import sys
import telnetlib
-conversation = (
- ("Identify yourself:", "testuser"),
- ("Enter your choice:", "n"),
- ("Enter a new password for \"testuser\":", "Test123"),
- ("Enter the same new password again:", "Test123"),
- ("What would you like to do?", "c"),
- ("Pick a birth gender for your new avatar:", "f"),
- ("Choose a name for her:", "1"),
- ("What would you like to do?", "a"),
- ("Whom would you like to awaken?", ""),
- (">", "quit"),
- ("What would you like to do?", "d"),
- ("Whom would you like to delete?", ""),
- ("What would you like to do?", "p"),
- ("permanently delete your account?", "y"),
- ("Disconnecting...", ""),
+dialogue = (
+ # Create account 0
+ (0, "Identify yourself:", "luser0"),
+ (0, "Enter your choice:", "n"),
+ (0, "Enter a new password for \"luser0\":", "Test123"),
+ (0, "Enter the same new password again:", "Test123"),
+ (0, "What would you like to do\?", "c"),
+ (0, "Pick a birth gender for your new avatar:", "f"),
+ (0, "Choose a name for her:", "1"),
+ (0, "What would you like to do?", "a"),
+ (0, "Whom would you like to awaken?", ""),
+ # Quit
+ (0, "> ", "quit"),
+ # Delete account 0
+ (0, "What would you like to do?", "d"),
+ (0, "Whom would you like to delete?", ""),
+ (0, "What would you like to do?", "p"),
+ (0, "permanently delete your account?", "y"),
+ (0, "Disconnecting...", ""),
-mud = telnetlib.Telnet()
-mud.open("::1", 6669)
-for question, answer in conversation:
- mud.read_until(("%s " % question).encode("utf-8"))
- mud.write(("%s\r\n" % answer).encode("utf-8"))
+captures = ["", ""]
+lusers = [telnetlib.Telnet(), telnetlib.Telnet()]
+success = True
+for luser in lusers:
+ luser.open("::1", 6669)
+for conversant, question, answer in dialogue:
+ print("luser%s waiting for: %s" % (conversant, question))
+ index, match, received = lusers[conversant].expect(
+ [question.encode("utf-8")], 5)
+ captures[conversant] += received.decode("utf-8")
+ if index is not 0:
+ print("ERROR: luser%s did not receive expected string:\n\n%s"
+ % (conversant, question))
+ success = False
+ break
+ print("luser%s sending: %s" % (conversant, answer))
+ lusers[conversant].write(("%s\r\n" % answer).encode("utf-8"))
+ captures[conversant] += "%s\r\n" % answer
+for conversant in range(len(captures)):
+ try:
+ captures[conversant] += lusers[
+ conversant].read_very_eager().decode("utf-8")
+ except:
+ pass
+ lusers[conversant].close()
+ log = open("capture_%s.log" % conversant, "w")
+ log.write(captures[conversant])
+ log.close()
+if not success:
+ sys.exit(1)