.mudpy.linguistic.default_punctuation: .
.mudpy.linguistic.typos: { "i": "I", "i'd": "I'd", "i'll": "I'll", "i'm": "I'm", "teh": "the", "theyre": "they're", "youre": "you're" }
- #default_admins: [ "admin" ]
- #default_backup_count: 10
- max_avatars: 7
- password_tries: 3
+#.mudpy.limit.admins: [ admin ]
+.mudpy.limit.avatars: 7
+#.mudpy.limit.backups: 10
+.mudpy.limit.password_tries: 3
#file: mudpy.log
max_count = self.data["__control__"]["backup_count"]
- max_count = self.universe.categories[
- "internal"
- ][
- "limits"
- ].get("default_backup_count")
+ max_count = self.universe.contents["mudpy.limit"].get(
+ "backups")
if os.path.exists(self.filename) and max_count:
backups = []
for candidate in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(self.filename)):
if self.state is not "authenticated":
log("User " + self.account.get("name") + " logged in.", 2)
self.authenticated = True
- if self.account.subkey in universe.categories[
- "internal"
- ][
- "limits"
- ].get(
- "default_admins"
- ):
+ if self.account.subkey in universe.contents["mudpy.limit"].get(
+ "admins"):
self.account.set("administrator", "True")
def show_menu(self):
user.state = "main_utility"
# if at first your hashes don't match, try, try again
- elif user.password_tries < universe.categories[
- "internal"
- ][
- "limits"
- ].get(
- "password_tries"
- ) - 1:
+ elif user.password_tries < universe.contents["mudpy.limit"].get(
+ "password_tries") - 1:
user.password_tries += 1
user.error = "incorrect"
user.state = "verifying_new_password"
# the password was weak, try again if you haven't tried too many times
- elif user.password_tries < universe.categories[
- "internal"
- ][
- "limits"
- ].get(
- "password_tries"
- ) - 1:
+ elif user.password_tries < universe.contents["mudpy.limit"].get(
+ "password_tries") - 1:
user.password_tries += 1
user.error = "weak"
# go back to entering the new password as long as you haven't tried
# too many times
- elif user.password_tries < universe.categories[
- "internal"
- ][
- "limits"
- ].get(
- "password_tries"
- ) - 1:
+ elif user.password_tries < universe.contents["mudpy.limit"].get(
+ "password_tries") - 1:
user.password_tries += 1
user.error = "differs"
user.state = "entering_new_password"
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org>. Permission
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2016 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org>. Permission
# to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is granted under
# terms provided in the LICENSE file distributed with this software.
choice_l: leave for now
choice_p: permanently remove your account
demand_a: user.account.get("avatars")
- demand_c: len(user.account.get("avatars")) < universe.categories["internal"]["limits"].get("max_avatars")
+ demand_c: len(user.account.get("avatars")) < universe.contents["mudpy.limit"].get("avatars")
demand_d: user.account.get("avatars")
description: $(red)$(inc:banner.txt)$(nrm)$(eol)$(eol)From here you can awaken, create and delete avatars. An avatar is your persona in the World. You can also leave or permanently delete your account.
prompt: What would you like to do?