========= clients ========= .. Copyright (c) 2004-2018 mudpy authors. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is granted under terms provided in the LICENSE file distributed with this software. mudpy handles input, output and formatting of UTF-8 encoded, multi-byte and wide characters, when coupled with a supporting client. By default, however, only printable single-byte ASCII characters are accepted or displayed unless the client negotiates IETF RFC 856 *binary mode* first. If mudpy needs to send text containing extended characters to a non-binary (7-bit) client, it will first replace those characters with a question mark (``?``). For example, the following is the recommended ``.telnetrc`` file for interacting with mudpy in binary mode with the Netkit and Inetutils Telnet clients:: example.mudpy.org set binary example.mudpy.org unset echo example.mudpy.org unset escape example.mudpy.org unset flushoutput example.mudpy.org unset interrupt example.mudpy.org unset quit example.mudpy.org unset eof example.mudpy.org unset localchars