============= coder guide ============= .. Copyright (c) 2004-2020 mudpy authors. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is granted under terms provided in the LICENSE file distributed with this software. This guide attempts to embody a rudimentary set of rules for developer submissions of source code and documentation targeted for inclusion within the mudpy project, as well as pointers to useful resources for those attempting to obtain a greater understanding of the software. source ------ As with any project, the mudpy source code could always be better documented, and contributions to that end are heartily welcomed. version control system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Git_ is used for version control on the project, and the archive can be browsed or cloned anonymously from the official https://mudpy.org/code/mudpy repository location. For now, detailed commits can be E-mailed to fungi@yuggoth.org, but there will most likely be a developer mailing list for more open presentation and discussion of patches eventually. A :file:`ChangeLog` is generated automatically from repository commit logs, and is included automatically in all sdist_ tarballs. It can be regenerated easily by running :command:`tox -e dist` from the top level directory of the Git repository in a working `developer environment`_. .. _Git: https://git-scm.com/ .. _sdist: https://packaging.python.org/glossary /#term-source-distribution-or-sdist developer environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basic developer requirements are a POSIX Unix derivative (such as Linux), a modern Python 3 interpreter (any of the minor revisions mentioned in the ``metadata.classifier`` section of :file:`setup.cfg`) and a recent release of the tox_ utility (at least the ``tox.minversion`` mentioned in :file:`tox.ini`). The tox-venv_ plug-in for tox is also recommended. .. _tox: https://tox.readthedocs.io/ .. _tox-venv: https://pypi.org/project/tox-venv/ application program interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :doc:`api` API documentation is maintained within docstrings in the mudpy source code. regression testing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All new commits are tested using an included :mod:`mudpy.test.selftest` script, to help ensure the software is continually usable. Any new features should be accompanied by suitable regression tests so that their functionality can be maintained properly through future releases. The selftest can be invoked with :command:`tox -e py3` which will automatically start the daemon with the :file:`mudpy/tests/fixtures/test_daemon.yaml` test configuration. style ----- This project follows Guido van Rossum and Barry Warsaw's `Style Guide`_ for Python Code (a.k.a. "PEP-8"). When in need of sample code or other examples, any common source code file or text document file distributed as part of mudpy should serve as a suitable reference. Testing of all new patches with the flake8_ utility should be performed by running :command:`tox -e flake8` from the repository working directory to ensure adherence to preferred style conventions. .. _Style Guide: :pep:`0008` .. _flake8: https://pypi.org/project/flake8 .. _demo: test and demo walk-through -------------------------- The included tox configuration provides testenv definitions for a variety of analyzers, regression tests, documentation builds and package generation. It also has a ``demo`` testenv which will run the server using the provided :file:`etc/mudpy.yaml` and other sample files. By default it listens on TCP port 4000 at the IPv6 loopback address, streams its logging to the terminal via stdout, and grants administrative rights automatically to an account named ``admin`` (once created). Because all the dependencies besides the :command:`python3` interpreter itself are available from PyPI, installing them should be fairly similar across most GNU/Linux distributions. For example, on Debian 10 (a.k.a. *Buster*) you need to expressly install the ``pip`` and ``venv`` modules since they're packaged separately from the rest of the Python standard library. Once that's done, you can perform local installs of ``tox`` and ``tox-venv`` as a normal non-root user. We're also going to install system packages for the ``git`` revision control toolset and an extensible console-based MUD client called ``tf5`` (TinyFugue version 5):: sudo apt install git python3-pip python3-venv tf5 pip install --user tox tox-venv exit The reason for exiting is that, if this is the first time you've ever used pip's ``--user`` option, when you log back in your ``~/.profile`` should see that there's now a ``~/.local/bin`` directory and add it to your ``$PATH`` environment variable automatically from that point on. Next, retrieve the project source code and switch your current working directory to where you've cloned it:: git clone https://mudpy.org/code/mudpy cd mudpy Now you should be able to invoke any tox testenv you like. Just running :command:`tox` without any additional options will go through the default battery of checks and is a good way to make sure everything is installed and working. Once you're ready to try out the server interactively, launch it like this:: tox -e demo Now in another terminal/session (because the one you've been using is busy displaying the server's logs) connect using a MUD client (such as :command:`tf5` which we installed above):: tf5 ip6-localhost 4000 Log in as ``admin`` creating an account and then an avatar and awaken it. Try out the :command:`help` command and make sure you see some command words in red (you're using a color terminal, right?) since those are admin-only commands and being able to see them confirms you're an administrator. When you're ready to terminate the service you can either give the :command:`halt` command in your MUD client terminal or press the ``control`` and ``c`` keys together in the terminal where you ran tox. To exit the tf5 MUD client, give it the :command:`/quit` command. miscellanea ----------- This section is a collection of various coding-related discussions and treatises, mostly here because there's not a better place, and so they don't get lost in random E-mail threads. avatar names ~~~~~~~~~~~~ It comes up fairly often, so bears mentioning, **there is no assumption avatar names will be globally unique**. This is part of the reason the default :code:`choose_name` menu just runs :func:`mudpy.misc.random_name`, to make impersonation a bit harder. The idea is to make sure to be able to support realistic settings where multiple people are often given the same names and don't really have much choice as to what their parents decided to name them at birth, but can still choose a name they like later (perhaps through some cultural rite of passage quest, attaining a particular guild rank, or just through a command they're allowed to run as soon as they awaken that avatar for the first time). It may be possible to force globally-unique avatar names, but the need to treat avatars similarly to non-player characters (actors which aren't associated with an account and may be driven by scripted routines instead) means it may also be desirable to prevent a user from choosing an avatar name which duplicates the name of any existing actor (whether or not that actor is a user's avatar). This would entail scanning the full dataset to identify actors with similar names so they could be rejected or excluded for a new avatar, but then raises the question as to what to do when some new content adds NPCs with a name which is already in use. The best way to side-step this challenge is to not rely on avatar names for programmatic interaction and instead reference the corresponding ID for an avatar's element in the universe contents. IDs **are** already guaranteed to be globally unique, so there is no ambiguity when using them (an avatar's element ID is constructed from the owning account name plus an index integer). Exactly what variables you have to work from will depend on the context where your hypothetical routine is called. Taking as an example, let's say what you want is to be able to have an area's owner permit a specific avatar to pass through the portals (doorways, gates, whatever) which connect it to other areas. This is similar to how *guild houses* work in some classical MUDs. Here's how I'd go about implementing it: 1. Extend the area element to have two new facets: *owners* (type list) and *visitors* (type list). The first will contain references to the element IDs for the avatars who are allowed to alter the entries of both lists, while the second will be the element IDs for avatars who are allowed to enter the area (maybe also allow owners to enter an area so they don't need to be duplicated in both lists). 2. Implement a command which allows someone to see the corresponding ID for an element (alternatively make it an acquirable ability, skill, spell, item, or however finding that information would best fit into your setting). This is stored in the element's :code:`.key` attribute, and you can play around with it on the command line with :command:`evaluate` like this:: > look Center Sample Location This is the Center Sample Location. It is merely provided as an example of what an area might look like. [ Exits: down, east, north, south, up, west ] A sample prop sits here. Utso is here. > evaluate [ a.key.split('_', 1)[1] for a in actor.universe.contents[ actor.get('location') ].contents.values() if a.key.startswith('actor.avatar_') and a.get('name') == 'Utso' ][0] 'luser0_0' [Put the command on one line, It's merely wrapped here for readability.] In short, this list comprehension takes the internal IDs for elements present in the calling actor's current location, filtered by whether they're avatars and a specific actor name, then splits the group and prefix off (relying on the fact that it uses ``_`` as a prefix separator) and returns the first result. In a non-prototype implementation, the command would probably include a routine which looked something like: .. code-block:: python location_id = actor.get("location") also_here = actor.universe.contents[location_id].contents for who in also_here.values(): if (who.key.startswith("actor.avatar_") and who.get("name") == parameters[0]: message += "Avatar ID: %s" % .key.split("_", 1)[1] break That's a rough approximation, and not terribly immersive, but hopefully you get the idea. We could also improve the element attributes with pre-populated backlink references for some of these relationships to reduce code complexity. 3. Implement a command which allows a user to add and remove entries in the owners and visitors lists for their current location, which takes this avatar ID as a parameter. 4. Hook in the :meth:`mudpy.misc.Element.go_to` method to test the owners and visitors lists for the area parameter to make sure self is in one of those lists. Probably also stick in an override to make sure that if the actor's owner account is flagged as administrative then they're also allowed even if they're not on the allowed list. The resulting workflow this would enable is that after an avatar *A* has been set as an owner for area *X* (perhaps by an admin or a world builder), *A* when in another area *Y* at the same time as some avatar *B* whom they would like to be allowed to visit *X* could run the identification command from part #2 above, then they would later travel to *X* and run the safe passage command from part #3 adding *B* to the visitors list for *X*. After that, *B* is able freely enter *X* until *A* runs a similar command to remove them from the visitors list for *X* again. To tackle the immersion problem, an optional substitution cipher could be implemented to (reversibly) turn those IDs into something more mystical-looking. Also the identification command (or ability, skill, spell, tool, whatever) could be limited to only work when the area you're running it in is flagged a certain way. Taking this concept further, all sorts of elements could have access lists for which avatars own them and which avatars are allowed to interact with them (in which case maybe the term *visitor* for the latter is too area-specific and it needs a slightly more general term?). However, a far more immersive solution would be to get closable and lockable elements (and inventory management) implemented, have a means of crafting keys which unlock specific elements, and then when creating an area you want to restrict to specific avatars, put locked doors for all its portals and give keys for them to anyone you want to be able to visit. Or implement non-avatar actors, then create guards you can hire or summon or construct to police your doorways and check whether visitors are on a list. That list itself could even be a piece of paper or a book (a prop), created with appropriate materials and some skill which allows the actor to write and edit paper notes, given to the guard and held by it as an inventory item. custom commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Command definitions are split into metadata and procedure. The metadata needs to be in an element like the basic ones shipped in the :file:`share/command.yaml` file, and then a handler function added to the :mod:`mudpy.command` module. There's not yet a plugin layer to allow those to be added to a separate module. The function name needs to match the element base name, or you have to add an action facet to the element indicating the name of the function you want it to call; the ``command.set`` element has an example of this, so that we avoid shadowing Python's built-in :func:`set` function and call :func:`mudpy.command.c_set` instead. The :meth:`mudpy.misc.Element.set` method takes two parameters, the name of the facet and the value to pass into it. An example of it in action is :meth:`mudpy.misc.User.authenticate` where the user's *administrator* facet is set to the value *True* if their username is in the ``.mudpy.limit.admins`` list used to bootstrap administrators: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 9 def authenticate(self): """Flag the user as authenticated and disconnect duplicates.""" if self.state != "authenticated": self.authenticated = True log("User %s authenticated for account %s." % ( self, self.account.subkey), 2) if ("mudpy.limit" in universe.contents and self.account.subkey in universe.contents["mudpy.limit"].get("admins")): self.account.set("administrator", True) log("Account %s is an administrator." % ( self.account.subkey), 2)