# Copyright (c) 2004-2016 Jeremy Stanley . Permission # to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is granted under # terms provided in the LICENSE file distributed with this software. __control__: default_files: { "account": "account.yaml", "actor": "actor.yaml", "area": "area.yaml", "command": "command.yaml", "internal": "internal.yaml", "menu": "menu.yaml", "other": "other.yaml", "prop": "prop.yaml" } include_dirs: [ "sample" ] include_files: [ "archetype.yaml" ] private_files: [ "account.yaml" ] read_only: yes .mudpy.linguistic.actions: { "?": "ask", ",": "begin", "-": "begin", ":": "begin", ";": "begin", "!": "exclaim", "...": "muse", ".": "say" } .mudpy.linguistic.default_punctuation: . .mudpy.linguistic.typos: { "i": "I", "i'd": "I'd", "i'll": "I'll", "i'm": "I'm", "teh": "the", "theyre": "they're", "youre": "you're" } #.mudpy.limit.admins: [ admin ] .mudpy.limit.avatars: 7 #.mudpy.limit.backups: 10 .mudpy.limit.password_tries: 3 internal:logging: #file: mudpy.log max_log_lines: 1000 stdout: yes #syslog: mudpy internal:network: host: ::1 #host: port: 6669 internal:process: #daemon: yes #pidfile: mudpy.pid internal:storage: default_dir: "data" #root_path: "." search_path: [ "", "etc", "share", "data" ] internal:time: definition_d: 24h definition_h: 60mi definition_mi: 10r definition_mo: 28d definition_r: 6 definition_w: 7d definition_y: 12mo frequency_log: 6000 frequency_save: 600 linkdead: { "default": 6000, "entering_account_name": 600, "active": 6048000 } idle: { "default": 5000, "entering_account_name": 500, "active": 5040000 } increment: 0.1 internal:directions: down: { "vector": [0,0,-1], "exit": "downward", "enter": "above" } east: { "vector": [1,0,0], "exit": "to the east", "enter": "the west" } north: { "vector": [0,1,0], "exit": "to the north", "enter": "the south" } south: { "vector": [0,-1,0], "exit": "to the south", "enter": "the north" } up: { "vector": [0,0,1], "exit": "upward", "enter": "below" } west: { "vector": [-1,0,0], "exit": "to the west", "enter": "the east" }